Women and Social Movements, International--1840 to Present

WASM International Advisory Board
Click here for a list of Advisory Board members.

Click here for names of those in 2008 photo.
Some Advisory Board members at the Berkshire Conference for Women's History, Minneapolis, June 2008

Some Advisory Board members at the Conference of the International Federation for Research in Women's History,
Amsterdam, August 2010. Seated, left to right: Ida Blom, Birgitte Possing, Anneke Ribberink, Ellen Dubois, June Purvis, Margaret McFadden; standing, left to right: Tom Dublin, Saskia Wieringa, Shurlee Swain, Clare Midgley, Fiona Paisley, Karen Offen, Judith Zinsser, Carolyn Eichner, Megan Threlkeld, Frances Gouda, Angela Woollacott, Jennifer Duncan, Yuko Takahashi.
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