"Recent Books and Articles of Interest"
compiled by Tom Dublin
(reprinted from recent issues of the Radical Historians Newsletter) 

Number 84, June 2001

Abel, Emily K., Hearts of Wisdom: American Women Caring for Kin, 1850-1940 (Harvard, 2000).

Alexander, Sally, "Men's Fears and Women's Work: Responses to Unemployment in London between the Wars," Gender & History, 12 (2000), 401-25.

Alonso, Paula, Between Revolution and the Ballot Box: The Origins of the Argentine Radical Party (Cambridge, 2000).

Altink, Henrice, "Slavery by Another Name: Apprenticed Women in Jamaican Workhouses in the period 1834-8," Social History, 26 (2001), 40-59.

Antunes, Ricardo, "The World of Work, the Restructuring of Production, and Challenges to Trade Unionism and Social Struggles in Brazil," Latin American Perspectives, 27 (Nov. `00), 9-26.

Archer, John E., Social Unrest and Popular Protest in England, 1780-1840 (Cambridge, 2000).

Armitage, David, The Ideological Origins of the British Empire (Cambridge, 2000).

Arnesen, Eric, Brotherhoods of Color: Black Railroad Workers and the Struggle for Equality (Harvard, 2000).

Ayers, Edward L. and Anne S. Rubin, The Eve of War: Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War (Norton, 2000).

Balfour, Lawrie, The Evidence of Things Not Said: James Baldwin and the Promise of American Democracy (Cornell, 2000).

Ball, Howard, The Bakke Case: Race, Education, and Affirmative Action (Kansas, 2000).

Baxandall, Rosalyn Fraad and Linda Gordon, eds., Dear Sisters: Dispatches from the Women's Liberation Movement (Basic, 2000).

Beckert, Sven, The Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850-1896 (Cambridge, 2001).

Benjamin, Thomas, La Revolución: Mexico's Great Revolution as Memory, Myth, and History (Texas, 2000).

Berger, Mark T., "Romancing the Zapatistas: International Intellectuals and the Chiapas Rebellion," Latin American Perspectives, 28 (Mar. `01), 149-70.

Bernhardt, Debra E. and Rachel Bernstein, Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives: A Pictorial History of Working People in New York City (NYU, 2000).

Bettie, Julie, "Women without Class: Chicas, Cholas, Trash, and the Presence/Absence of Class Identity," Signs, 26 (2000), 1-36.

Bevir, Mark, "Republicanism, Socialism, and Democracy in Britain: The Origins of the Radical Left," Journal of Social History, 33 (2000), 351-68.

Birnbaum, Jonathan and Clarence Taylor, Civil Rights Since 1787: A Reader on the Black Struggle (NYU, 2000).

Blatt, Martin, Thomas Brown, and Donald Yacovone, eds., Hope and Glory: Essays on the Legacy of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment (Massachusetts, 2001).

Blight, David, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory (Harvard, 2000).

Boris, Eileen and Angélique Janssens, eds., Complicating Categories: Gender, Class, Race and Ethnicity (Cambridge, 2000).

Bouton, Terry, "A Road Closed: Rural Insurgency in Post-Independence Pennsylvania," Journal of American History, 87 (2000), 855-87.

Boyer, Christopher R., "The Threads of Class at La Virgen: Misrepresentation and Identity at a Mexican Textile Mill, 1918-1935," American Historical Review, 105 (2000), 1576-98.

Brown , Kathleen A. and Elizabeth Faue, "Social Bonds, Sexual Politics, and Political Community on the U.S. Left, 1920s-1940s," Left History, 7 (Spring `00), 9-45.

Brown, Richard, Revolution, Radicalism, and Reform: English History, 1780-1846 (Cambridge, 2000).

Castillo, Rosalva Aida Hernandez, "Between Civil Disobedience and Silent Rejection: Differing Responses by Mam Peasants to the Zapatista Rebellion," Latin American Perspectives, 28 (Mar. `01), 98-119.

Castree, Noel, "Marxism and the Production of Nature," Capital & Class, No. 72 (Fall 2000), 5-36.

Chamberlain, Mary, "`Praise Songs' of the Family: Lineage and Kinship in the Caribbean Diaspora," History Workshop, No. 50 (Fall `00), 114-28.

"Cinque of the Amistad, A Slave Trader?" a special section in Journal of American History, 87 (2000), 923-50.

Clark, Anna, "The New Poor Law and the Breadwinner Wage: Contrasting Assumptions," Journal of Social History, 33 (2000), 261-82.

Clark, Constance Areson, "Evolution For John Doe: Pictures, the Public, and the Scopes Trial Debate," Journal of American History, 87 (2001), 1275-1303.

Cohen, Stephen F., Failed Crusade: America and the Tragedy of Post-Communist Russia (Norton, 2000).

Colley, Linda, "Going Native, Telling Tales: Captivity, Collaborations and Empire," Past & Present, No. 170 (Aug. `00), 170-93.

Corteguera, Luis R., "Popular Politics in Composite Monarchies: Barcelona Artisans and the Campaign for a Papal Bull against Hoarding," Social History, 25 (2001), 22-39.

Cott, Nancy F., ed., No Small Courage: A History of Women in the United States (Oxford, 2000).

________, Public Vows: A History of Marriage and the Nation (Harvard, 2000).

Crubaugh, Anthony, "Local Justice and Rural Society in the French Revolution," Journal of Social History, 33 (2000), 327-50.

Cumbler, John T., Reasonable Use: The People, the Environment, and the States, New England, 1790-1930 (Oxford, 2000).

Curtis, Michael Kent, Free Speech, "The People's Darling Privilege": Struggles for Freedom of Expression in American History (Duke, 2000).

Dailey, Jane, Before Jim Crow: The Politics of Race in Postemancipation Virginia (North Carolina, 2001).

Dailey, Jane, Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore, and Bryant Simon, Jumpin' Jim Crow: Southern Politics from Civil War to Civil Rights (Princeton, 2000).

Daniels, Roger and Otis L. Graham, Debating American Immigration: 1882-Present (Rowman & Littlefield, 2000).

Darrow, Margaret, French Women and the First World War: War Stories from the Homefront (Berg, 2000).

Davis, Natalie Zemon, Slaves on Screen: Film and Historical Vision (Harvard, 2000).

De la Cadena, Marisol, Indigenous Mestizos: The Politics of Race and Culture in Cuzco, Peru, 1919-1991 (Duke, 2000).

De los Reyes, Maria and Castillo Bueno, Reyita: The Life of a Black Cuban Woman in the Twentieth Century (Duke, 2000).

DeCaro, Louis A. Jr., Malcolm and the Cross: The Nation of Islam, Malcolm X, and Christianity (NYU, 2000).

Deslippe, Dennis A., "Rights, Not Roses,": Unions and the Rise of Working-Class Feminism, 1945-80 (Illinois, 2000).

Diner, Hasia R., Lower East Side Memories: A Jewish Place in America (Princeton, 2000).

Dorr, Lisa Lindquist, "Black-on-White Rape and Retribution in Twentieth-Century Virginia: Men, Even Negroes, Must Have Some Protection," Journal of Southern History, 66 (2000), 711-48.

Drake, James D., King Philip's War: Civil War in New England, 1675-1676 (Massachusetts, 2000).

Dublin, Thomas, "Miner's Son, Miners' Photographer: The Work and Life of George Harvan," Journal for MultiMedia History at http://www.albany.edu/jmmh.

DuBois, Ellen, "Woman Suffrage: The View from the Pacific," Pacific Historical Review, 69 (2000), 539-52.

Dudziak, Mary L., Cold War Civil Rights: Race and the Image of American Democracy (Princeton, 2000).

Edwards, Louise, "Women's Suffrage in China: Challenging Scholarly Conventions," Pacific Historical Review, 69 (2000), 617-38.

Eltis, David, The Rise of African Slavery in the Americas (Cambridge, 2000).

Espiritu, Yen Le, "`We Don't Sleep Around Like White Girls Do': Family, Culture, and Gender in Filipina American Lives," Signs, 26 (2001), 415-40.

Farnsworth-Alvear, Ann, Dulcinea in the Factory: Myths, Morals, Men, and Women in Colombia's Industrial Experiment, 1905-1960 (Duke, 2000).

Farr, James R., Artisans in Europe, 1300-1914 (Cambridge, 2000).

Feldstein, Ruth , Motherhood in Black and White: Race and Sex in American Liberalism, 1930-1965 (Cornell, 2000).

Foner, Eric, "American Freedom in a Global Age," American Historical Review, 106 (2001), 1-16.

Foner, Nancy, From Ellis Island to JFK: New York's Two Great Waves of Immigration (Yale, 2000).

French, John D., "The Latin American Labor Studies Boom," International Review of Social History, 45(2000), 279-308.

Gabaccia, Donna R., Italy's Many Diasporas: Elites, Exiles and Workers of the World (Washington, 2000).

Gamboa, Miguel, "Democratic Discourse and the Conflict in Colombia," Latin American Perspectives, 28 (Jan. `01), 93-109.

Garman, Bryan K., A Race of Singers: Whitman's Working-Class Hero from Guthrie to Springsteen (North Carolina, 2000).

Gellman, David N., "Race, the Public Sphere, and Abolition in Late Eighteenth-Century New York," Journal of the Early Republic, 20 (2000), 607-36.

"Gender and Manhood in Chinese History," a forum in American Historical Review, 105 (2000), 1599-1666.

"Gendering the Middle Ages," a special issue of Gender & History, 12 (Nov. `00).

Gerstle, Gary, American Crucible: Race and Nation in the Twentieth Century (Princeton, 2001).

Gidley, Mark, Edward S. Curtis and the North American Indian, Incorporated (Cambridge, 2000).

"Globalization Under Interrogation," special section of Rethinking Marxism, 12:4 (Win. `00).

Gonzalez-Berry, Erlinda and David R. Maciel, eds., The Contested Homeland: A Chicano History of New Mexico (New Mexico, 2000).

Gordon, Ann. D., ed., The Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, Volume II: Against the Aristocracy of Sex, 1866 to 1873 (Rutgers, 2000).

Gorn, Elliott J., Mother Jones: An American Life (Hill & Wang, 2000).

Green, James, "The Massachusetts History Workshop: `Bringing the Boundaries of History to People's Lives,'" History Workshop, No. 50 (Fall `00), 246-94.

Greenhalgh, Susan, "Fresh Winds in Beijing: Chinese Feminists Speak Out on the One-Child Policy and Women's Lives," Signs, 26 (2001), 847-86.

Grimshaw, Patricia, "Settler Anxieties, Indigenous Peoples, and Women's Suffrage in the Colonies of Australia, New Zealand and Hawai'i, 1888 to 1902," Pacific Historical Review, 69 (2000), 553-72.

Grivno, Max L., "`Black Frenchmen' and `White Settlers': Race, Slavery, and the Creation of African-American Identities along the Northwest Frontier, 1790-1840," Slavery & Abolition, 21:3 (Dec. `00), 75-93.

Grover, Kathryn, The Fugitive's Gibraltar: Escaping Slaves and Abolitionism in New Bedford, Massachusetts (Massachusetts, 2000).

Hall, Catherine, "Cities of Empire," Journal of Urban History, 27 (2001), 193-99.

Hall, Catherine, Keith McClelland, and Jane Rendall, Defining the Victorian Nation: Class, Race, Gender and the Reform Act of 1867 (Cambridge, 2000).

Hatton, Timothy J. and Roy E. Bailey, "Women's Work in Census and Survey, 1911-1931," Economic History Review, 54 (2001), 87-109.

Holt, Thomas C., The Problem of Race in the Twenty-First Century (Harvard, 2000).

Horn, Michael, "Canadian Universities, Academic Freedom, Labour, and the Left," Labour/Le Travail, No. 46 (Spring `00), 439-70.

Horne, Gerald, From the Barrel of a Gun: The United States and the War against Zimbabwe, 1965-1980 (North Carolina, 2001).

________, Race Woman: The Lives of Shirley Graham Dubois (NYU, 2000).

Horton, James Oliver and Lois E. Horton, Hard Road to Freedom: The Story of African America (Rutgers, 2000).

Hsu, Madeline Y., Dreaming of Gold, Dreaming of Home: Transnationalism and Migration between the United States and South China, 1882-1943 (Stanford, 2000).

Hung, Chang-Tai, "Repainting China: New Year Prints (Nianhua) and Peasant Resistance in the Early Years of the People's Republic," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 42 (2000), 770-810.

Huntington, Patricia, "Challenging the Colonial Contract: The Zapatistas' Insurgent Imagination," Rethinking Marxism, 12:3 (Fall `00), 58-80.

Huston, James L., "Abolitionists, Political Economists, and Capitalism," Journal of the Early Republic, 20 (2000), 487-522.

Huston, Reeve, Land and Freedom: Rural Society, Popular Protest, and Party Politics in Antebellum New York (Oxford, 2000).

Jennings, Francis, The Creation of America: Through Revolution to Empire (Cambridge, 2000).

Jennings, Lawrence C., French Anti-Slavery: The Movement for the Abolition of Slavery in France, 1802-1848 (Cambridge, 2000).

Kantrowitz, Stephen, "Ben Tillman and Hendrix McLane, Agrarian Rebels: White Manhood, `The Farmers,' and the Limits of Southern Populism," Journal of Southern History, 66 (2000), 497-524.

________, Ben Tillman and the Reconstruction of White Supremacy (North Carolina, 2000).

Kelly, Brian, Race, Class, and Power in the Alabama Coalfields (Illinois, 2001).

Kirk, Neville, "`Peculiarities' versus `Exceptions': The Shaping of the American Federation of Labor's Politics during the 1890s and 1900s," International Review of Social History, 45 (2000), 25-50.

Klatch, Rebecca E., A Generation Divided: The New Left, the New Right, and the 1960s (California, 1999).

Knowles, Anne Kelly, "Labor, Race, and Technology in the Confederate Iron Industry," Technology and Culture, 42 (2001), 1-26.

Kocks, Dorothee E., Dream a Little: Land and Social Justice in Modern America (California, 2000).

Kroes, Rob, Them and Us: Questions of Citizenship in a Globalizing World (Illinois, 2000).

Kulikoff, Allan, From British Peasants to Colonial American Farmers (North Carolina, 2000).

Lannon, Albert, Fight or Be Slaves: The History of the Oakland-East Bay Labor Movement (University Press of America, 2000).

Lause, Mark, The Civil War's Last Campaign: James B. Weaver, the Greenback-Labor Party and the Politics of Race and Section (University Press of America, 2001).

Lemisch, Jesse, "Students for a Democratic Society, Heroically Portrayed, Before the Inexplicable Fall: Consensus History in a Left Film," Film & History 31 (March `01), 1-4

Lichtenstein, Nelson, "Class Politics and the State during World War Two," International Labor and Working Class History, No. 58 (Fall `00), 261-74.

Linebaugh, Peter and Marcus Rediker, The Many-Headed Hydra: Sailors, Slaves, Commoners and the Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic (Beacon, 2000).

Livingstone, James, "Social Theory and Historical Method in the Work of William Appleman Williams," Diplomatic History, 25 (2001), 275-82.

Lopez-Alves, Fernando, State Formation and Democracy in Latin America, 1810-1900 (Duke, 2000).

Lovell, Peggy A., "Gender, Race, and Struggle for Social Justice in Brazil," Latin American Perspectives, 27 (Nov. `00), 85-102.

Ludtke, Alf, "People Working: Everyday Life and German Fascism," History Workshop, No. 50 (Fall `00), 75-92.

Marquardt, Steve, "`Green Havoc': Panama Disease, Environmental Change, and Labor Process in the Central American Banana Industry," American Historical Review, 106 (2001), 49-80

Masur, Louis P., 1831 (Hill & Wang, 2000).

May, Lary, The Big Tomorrow: Hollywood and the Politics of the American Way (Chicago, 2000).

McCrary, Peyton, and Steven F. Lawson, "Race and Reapportionment, 1962: The Case of the Georgia Senate Redistricting," Journal of Policy History, 12 (2000), 293-320.

McCurdy, Charles W., The Anti-Rent Era in New York Law and Politics, 1839-1865 (North Carolina, 2001).

McCusker, John and Kenneth Morgan, eds., The Early Modern Atlantic Economy: Essays on Transatlantic Enterprise (Cambridge, 2001).

McEuen, Melissa A., Seeing America: Women Photographers between the Wars (Kentucky, 2000).

McGirr, Lisa, Suburban Warriors: The Origins of the New American Right (Princeton, 2001).

McKibbin, Ross, Classes and Cultures: England, 1918-1951 (Oxford, 1998).

Meade, Teresa, "Holding the Junta Accountable: Chile's `Sitos de Memoria' and the History of Torture, Disappearance, and Death," Radical History Review, No. 79 (Winter `01), 123-40.

Meertens, Donny, "Facing Destruction, Rebuilding Life: Gender and the Internally Displaced in Colombia," Latin American Perspectives, 28 (Jan. `01), 132-48.

Merrill, Dennis, "Negotiating Cold War Paradise: U.S. Tourism, Economic Planning, and Cultural Modernity in Twentieth-Century Puerto Rico," Diplomatic History, 25 (2001), 179-214.

Miller, Fiona Alice, "Making Citizens, Banishing Immigrants: The Discipline of Deportation Investigations, 1908-1913," Left History, 7 (Spring `00), 46-61.

Mishler, Paul and Alan Wald, eds., "Color, Culture and Gender in the 1960s," special issue of Science & Society, 65:1 (Spring `01).

Moeller, Robert G., War Stories: The Search for a Usable Past in the Federal Republic of Germany (California, 2000).

Molony, Barbara, "Women's Rights, Feminism, and Suffragism in Japan, 1870-1925," Pacific Historical Review, 69 (2000), 639-62.

Monteith, Kathleen E. A., "Emancipation and Labour on Jamaican Coffee Plantations, 1838-48," Slavery & Abolition, 21:3 (Dec. `00), 125-35.

Montgomery, David, "Racism, Immigrants, and Political Reform," Journal of American History, 87 (2001), 1253-74.

Morgan, Edward P., "From Virtual Community to Virtual History: Mass Media and the American Antiwar Movement of the 1960s," Radical History Review, No. 78 (Fall `00), 85-125. With comments by Marilyn Young and Chad Raphael.

Munk, Michael, "Portland's `Silk Stocking Mob': The Citizens Emergency League in the 1934 Maritime Strike," Pacific Northwest Quarterly, 91 (2000), 150-60.

________, "Socialism in Czechoslovakia: What Went Wrong?" Science & Society, 64 (2000), 225-36.

Murrell, Gary, "On Herbert Aptheker and His Side of History: An Interview with Eric Foner," Radical History Review, No. 78 (Fall `00), 6-26.

Nasstrom, Kathryn L., Everybody's Grandmother and Nobody's Fool: Frances Freeborn Pauley and the Struggle for Social Justice (Cornell, 2000).

Nelson, Bruce, Divided We Stand: American Workers and the Struggle for Black Equality (Princeton, 2000).

Neumann, Klaus, Shifting Memories: The Nazi Past in the New Germany (Michigan, 2000).

"New Perspectives on the Transatlantic Slave Trade," special issue of William & Mary Quarterly, 58 (Jan. `01).

Newton, Melanie, "`New Ideas of Correctness': Gender, Amelioration and Emancipation in Barbados, 1810s-50s," Slavery & Abolition, 21:3 (Dec. `00), 94-124.

Noonan, Ellen, "Interview with Mike Wallace," Radical History Review, No. 79 (Winter `01), 49-74.

Nwokeji, G. Ugo, "African Conceptions of Gender and the Slave Traffic," William & Mary Quarterly, 58 (2001), 47-68.

O'Connor, Alice, Poverty Knowledge: Social Science, Social Policy, and the Poor in Twentieth-Century U.S. History (Princeton, 2000).

"Orientalism Twenty Years On," special forum in American Historical Review, 105 (2000), 1204-49.

Overland, Orm, Immigrant Minds, American Identities: Making the United States Home (Illinois, 2000).

Panitch, Leo and Colin Leys, eds., "Working Classes, Global Realities," Socialist Register 2001 (Merlin Press and Fernwood).

Pelz, William A., ed., The Eugene V. Debs Reader: Socialism and the Class Struggle (Institute for Working Class History, 2000).

Percoco, James A., Divided We Stand: Teaching about Conflict in U.S. History (Heinemann 2001).

Perman, Michael, Struggle for Mastery: Disfranchisement in the South, 1898-1908 (North Carolina, 2001).

Perry, Jeffrey B., ed., A Hubert Harrison Reader (Wesleyan, 2001).

Phillips, Sarah T., "Antebellum Agricultural Reform, Republican Ideology, and Sectional Tension," Agricultural History, 74 (2000), 799-822.

Pintzuk, Edward C, Reds, Racial Justice, and Civil Liberties: The Michigan Communist Party After WWII (MEP Press, 1998).

Pollack, Howard, Aaron Copland: The Life and Work of an Uncommon Man (Illinois, 2000).

Rabasa, José, Writing Violence on the Northern Frontier: The Historiography of Sixteenth-Century New Mexico and Florida and the Legacy of Conquest (Duke, 2000).

Ray, Raka, "Masculinity, Femininity, and Servitude: Domestic Workers in Calcutta in the Late Twentieth Century," Feminist Studies, 26 (2000), 691-718.

Reagin, Nancy, "The Imagined Hausfrau: National Identity, Domesticity, and Colonialism in Imperial Germany," Journal of Modern History, 73 (2001), 54-86.

Reuss, Richard A. and JoAnne C. Reuss, American Folk Music & Left-Wing Politics, 1927-1957 (Scarecrow, 2000).

Richards, Leonard L., The Slave Power: The Free North and Southern Domination, 1780-1860 (LSU Press, 2000).

Richards, Yevette, Maida Springer: Pan-Africanist and International Labor Leader (Pittsburgh, 2000).

Richardson, David, "Shipboard Revolts, African Authority, and the Atlantic Slave Trade," William & Mary Quarterly, 58 (2001), 69-92.

Robertson, David Brian, Capital, Labor, and State: The Battle for American Labor Markets from the Civil War to the New Deal (Rowman & Littlefield, 2000).

Robin, Ron, The Making of the Cold War Enemy: Culture and Politics in the Military-Intellectual Complex (Princeton, 2001).

Rodrigue, John C., Reconstruction in the Cane Fields: From Slavery to Free Labor in Louisiana's Sugar Parishes, 1862-1880 (LSU Press, 2000).

Rosemblatt, Karin Alejandra, Gendered Compromises: Political Cultures and the State in Chile, 1920-1950 (North Carolina, 2000).

Rotter, Andrew J., "Saidism without Said: Orientalism and U.S. Diplomatic History," American Historical Review, 105 (2000), 1205-17.

Ryan, Mary P., "`A Laudable Pride in the Whole of Us': City Halls and Civic Materialism," American Historical Review, 105 (2000), 1131-70.

Ryden, David Beck, "Does Decline Make Sense? The West Indian Economy and the Abolition of the Slave Trade," Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 31 (2001), 347-74.

Salvatore, Richard D., "Repertoires of Coercion and Market Culture in Nineteenth-Century Buenos Aires Province," International Review of Social History, 45(2000), 409-48.

Sangster, Joan, "Feminism and the Making of Canadian Working-Class History: Exploring the Past, Present and Future, Labour/Le Travail, No. 46 (Spring `00), 127-66.

Sarkar, Tanika, "A Prehistory of Rights: The Age of Consent Debate in Colonial Bengal," Feminist Studies, 26 (2000), 601-22.

Schoonover, Thomas, "`It's Not What We Say, It's What We Do': The Study and Writing of U.S. Foreign Relations in the United States," SHAFR Newsletter, 31:2 (June 2000), 11-37.

Schwarz, Philip J., Migrants against Slavery: Virginians and the Nation (Virginia, 2000).

Scott, Peter, "Women, Other `Fresh' Workers, and the New Manufacturing Workforce of Interwar Britain," International Review of Social History, 45 (2000), 449-74.

Seager, David R., "Barre, Vermont Granite Workers and the Struggle against Silicosis, 1890-1960," Labor History, 42 (2001), 61-80.

Self, Robert, "Writing Landscapes of Class, Power, and Racial Division: The Problem of (Sub)Urban Space and Place in Postwar America," Journal of Urban History, 27 (2001), 237-50.

Sinha, Mrinalini, "Refashioning Mother India: Feminism and Nationalism in Late-Colonial India," Feminist Studies, 26 (2000), 623-44.

Sleeper-Smith, Susan, Indian Women and French Men: Rethinking Cultural Encounter in the Great Lakes (Massachusetts, 2000).

Smith, Bonnie G., Imperialism: A History in Documents (Oxford, 2000).

Smith, Murray E. G., "Political Economy and the Canadian Working Class: Marxism or Nationalist Reformism?" Labour/Le Travail, No. 46 (Spring `00), 343-68.

Socolow, Susan Migden, The Women of Colonial Latin America (Cambridge, 2000).

Stansell, Christine, "Louise Bryant Grows Old," History Workshop, No. 50 (Fall `00), 157-204.

Stein, Marc, City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves: Lesbian and Gay Philadelphia, 1945-1972 (Chicago, 2000).

Steinberg, Stephen, "Race Relations: The Problem with the Wrong Name," New Politics, 30 (Winter `01), 57-61. Also www.wpunj.edu/~newpol.

Street, Paul, "The `Best Union Members': Class, Race, Culture, and Black Worker Militancy in Chicago's Stockyards during the 1930s," Journal of American Ethnic History, 20:1 (Fall `00), 18-49.

Stricker, Frank, "Why American Poverty Rates Stopped Falling in the 70s, and Why a Better Story Was Not Told About It," Journal of Poverty, 4 (2000), 1-2.

Strom, Sharon Hartman, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform (Temple, 2001).

Summers, John H., "History Frontiers: An Interview with Roy Rosenzweig," Left History, 7 (Spring `00), 89-94.

Summerhill, Stephen J., and John Alexander Williams, Sinking Columbus: Contested History, Cultural Politics, and Mythmaking during the Quincentenary (Florida, 2000).

Tadman, Michael, "The Demographic Cost of Sugar: Debates on Slave Societies and Natural Increase in the Americas," American Historical Review, 105 (2000), 1534-75.

"Thirty Years of Radical History: The Long March," special issue of Radical History Review, No. 79 (Winter `01).

Thompson, Dorothy, ed., The Essential E. P. Thompson (New Press, 2001).

Tinsman, Heidi, "Reviving Feminist Materialism: Gender and Neoliberalism in Pinochet's Chile," Signs, 26 (2000), 145-89.

Tomlins, Christopher, "Reconsidering Indentured Servitude: European Migration and the Early American Labor Force, 1600-1775," Labor History, 41 (2000), 5-44.

Van Young, Eric, The Other Rebellion: Popular Violence, Ideology, and the Mexican Struggle for Independence, 1810-1821 (Stanford, 2000).

Wald, Alan, "Narrating Nationalisms: Black Marxism and Jewish Communists through the Eyes of Harold Cruse," Science & Society, 64 (2000), 400-23.

Wald, Elijah, Josh White: Society Blues (Massachusetts, 2000).

Waldrep, G. C. III, Southern Workers and the Search for Community (Illinois, 2000).

Waldron, Caroline A., "Lynch-law Must Go!: Race, Citizenship, and the Other in an American Coal Mining Town," Journal of American Ethnic History, 19:4 (Summer `00), 50-77.

Way, Peter, "Rebellion of the Regulars: Working Soldiers and the Mutiny of 1763-1764," William & Mary Quarterly, 57 (2000), 761-92.

Weir, Rob, "Blind in One Eye Only: Western and Eastern Knights of Labor View the Chinese Question," Labor History, 41 (2000), 421-36.

Whited, Tamara L., Forests and Peasant Politics in Modern France (Yale, 2000).

Wickett, Murray R., Contested Territory: Whites, Native Americans, and African Americans in Oklahoma, 1865-1907 (LSU, 2000).

Wiesner, Merry E., Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, 2000).

"William Appleman Williams," a group of reflections on his scholarship in Diplomatic History, 25 (2001), 275-328.

Wittner, Lawrence S., "Gender Roles and Nuclear Disarmament Activism, 1954-1965," Gender & History, 12 (2000), 197-222.

Wolpert, Stanley, Gandhi's Passion: The Life and Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi (Oxford, 2001).

"Woman Suffrage: The View from the Pacific," special issue of Pacific Historical Review, 69 (2000).

Woodhams, Stephen, History in the Making: Raymond Williams, Edward Thompson and Radical Intellectuals, 1936-1956 (Merlin, 2001).

Workman, Andrew, "Creating the National War Labor Board: Franklin Roosevelt and the Politics of State Building in the Early 1940s," Journal of Policy History, 12 (2000), 233-64.

Worster, Donald, A River Running West: The Life of John Wesley Powell (Oxford, 2000).

Wrightson, Keith, Earthly Necessities: Economic Lives in Early Modern Britain (Yale, 2000)

Young, Alfred F., The Shoemaker and the Tea Party: Memory and the American Revolution (Beacon, 1999).

Young, Cynthia, "Havana up in Harlem: LeRoi Jones, Harold Cruse and the Making of a Cultural Revolution," Science & Society, 65 (2001), 12-38.

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