"Recent Books and Articles of Interest"
compiled by Tom Dublin
(reprinted from recent issues of the Radical Historians Newsletter)

Number 76, June 1997

Allen, Robert, "The Battle for the Common: Politics and Populism in Mid-Victorian Kentish London," Social History, 22 (1997), 46-60.

Anderson, Jervis, Bayard Rustin: Troubles I've Seen (HarperCollins, 1996).

Anderson, Karen, Changing Woman: A History of Racial Ethnic Women in Modern America (Oxford, 1996).

Anderson, Kristi, After Suffrage: Women in Partisan and Electoral Politics before the New Deal (Chicago, 1997).

Anderson, Olive, "Emigration and Marriage Break-up in Mid-Victorian England," Economic History Review, 50 (1997), 104-09.

Andrews, Gregg, "A Labor Alternative to Corporatist Diplomacy in the Wilson Era," Diplomatic History, 21 (1997), 133-38.

Bahl, Vinay, "Cultural Imperialism and Women's Movements: Thinking Globally," Gender & History, 9 (1997), 1-14.

________, "Reflections on Recent Work of Sheila Rowbotham: Women's Movements and Building Bridges," Monthly Review, 48 (Nov. 1996), 31-42.

Bartels, Emily C., "Othello and Africa: Postcolonialism Reconsidered," William & Mary Quarterly, 54 (1997), 45-64.

Beik, William, Urban Protest in Seventeenth-Century France (Cambridge, 1997).

Beisel, Nicola, Imperiled Innocents: Anthony Comstock and Family Reproduction in Victorian America (Princeton, 1996).

Bell, Caryn Cossé, Revolution, Romanticism, and the Afro-Creole Protest Tradition in Louisiana, 1718-1868 (LSU Press, 1997).

Bengston, Henry, On the Left in America: Memoirs of the Scandinavian-American Labor Movement, Kermit B. Westerberg, trans., Michael Brook, ed. (Southern Illinois, 1996).

Bennett, Judith M., Ale, Beer, and Brewsters in England: Women's Work in a Changing World, 1300-1600 (Oxford, 1996).

Berg, Maxine, "Women's Consumption and the Industrial Classes of Eighteenth-Century England," Journal of Social History, 30 (1996), 415-34.

Berger, Mark T., "The Reconquest of Central America: Latin American Studies and the Transition to Democracy, 1979-1990," Latin American Perspectives, 24 (Jan. 1997), 7-72.

Berkin, Carol, First Generations: Women in Colonial America (Hill & Wang, 1996).

Bernhard, Virginia, "Bids for Freedom: Slave Resistance and Rebellion Plots in Bermuda," Slavery & Abolition, 17 (1996), 185-208.

Blackburn, Robin, "The Old World Background to European Colonial Slavery," William & Mary Quarterly, 54 (1997), 65-102.

Bosch, Aurora, "Why Is There No Labor Party in the United States? A Comparative New World Case Study: Australia and the U.S., 1783-1914," Radical History Review, No. 67 (Win. 1997), 35-78.

Bowles, Samuel and Herb Gintis, "Efficient Redistribution: New Rules for Markets, States, and Communities," Politics & Society, 24 (1996), 307-42.

Brattain, Michelle, "Making Friends and Enemies: Textile Workers and Political Action in Post-World War II Georgia," Journal of Southern History, 63 (1997), 91-138.

Breitman, George, Paul Le Blanc, and Alan Wald, Trotskyism in the United States (Humanities, 1996).

Brown, Joshua, "Reconstructing Representation: Social Types, Readers, and the Pictorial Press, 1865-1877," Radical History Review, No. 66 (Fall 1996), 5-39.

Brown, Kathleen M., Good Wives, Nasty Wenches, and Anxious Patriarchs: Gender, Race, and Power in Colonial Virginia (North Carolina, 1997).

Burton, Antoinette, "Making a Spectacle of Empire: Indian Travellers in Fin-de-Siecle London," History Workshop Journal, No. 42 (Fall 1996), 127-46.

________, "Remapping Colonial Culture: Feminist Perspectives," Radical History Review, No. 66 (Fall 1996), 220-28.

Calloway, Colin G., New Worlds for All: Indians, Europeans, and the Remaking of Early America (Johns Hopkins, 1996).

Campbell, Edward D.C., Jr., and Kym S. Rice, eds., A Woman's War: Southern Women, Civil War, and the Confederate Legacy (Virginia, 1997).

Canin, Eric, "'Work, a Roof, and Bread for the Poor': Managua's Christian Base Communities in the Nicaraguan 'Revolution from Below,'" Latin American Perspectives, 24 (Mar. 1997), 80-101.

Capeci, Dominic J., Jr., and Jack C. Knight, "Reckoning with Violence: W.E.B. Du Bois and the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot," Journal of Southern History, 62 (1996), 727-66.

Carney, Judith, "Rice Milling, Gender and Slave Labour in Colonial South Carolina," Past & Present, No. 153 (Nov. 1996), 108-34.

Carson, James Taylor, "Native Americans, the Market Revolution, and Culture Change: The Choctaw Cattle Economy, 1690-1830," Agricultural History, 71 (1997), 1-18.

Carter, Dan T., From George Wallace to Newt Gingrich: Race in the Conservative Counterrevolution, 1963-1994 (LSU Press, 1996).

Chang, Gordon H., ed., Morning Glory, Evening Shadow: Yamato Ichihashi and His Internment Writings, 1942-1945 (Stanford, 1996).

Cimbala, Paul A., and Robert F. Himmelberg, eds., Historians and Race: Autobiography and the Writing of History (Indiana, 1996).

"Civil Rights Struggles in Chicago," special forum in American Historical Review, 102 (1997), 310-87.

Clark, Claudia, Radium Girls: Women and Industrial Health Reform, 1910-1935 (North Carolina, 1997).

Clark, Daniel J., Like Night and Day: Unionization in a Southern Mill Town (North Carolina, 1997).

Coelho, Philip R., and Robert A. McGuire, "African and European Bound Labor in the British New World: The Biological Consequences of Economic Choice," Journal of Economic History, 57 (1997), 83-115.

Collison, Gary, Shadrach Minkins: From Fugitive Slave to Citizen (Harvard, 1997).

"Communism in Britain and the British Empire," special issue of Science & Society, 61 (Spring 1997).

Cooper, Annabel, and Maureen Molloy, "Poverty, Dependence and 'Women': Reading Autobiography and Social Policy from 1930s New Zealand," Gender & History, 9 (1997), 36-59.

Cooper, Frederick, and Ann Laura Stoler, eds., Tensions of Empire: Colonial Cultures in a Bourgeois World (California, 1996).

Danford, Andy, ""The 'New Industrial Relations' and Class Struggle in the 1990s," Capital & Class, No. 61 (Spring 1997), 107-42.

Davis, David Brion, "Constructing Race: A Reflection," William & Mary Quarterly, 54 (1997), 7-18.

Davis, James Kirkpatrick, Assault on the Left: The FBI and the Sixties Antiwar Movement (Praeger, 1997).

"Dialogue: Southern Women in History and Historiography," special section of Journal of Women's History, 8 (Fall 1996), 162-85.

Dirlik, Arif, "Asians on the Rim: Transnational Capital and Local Community in the Making of Contemporary Asian America," Amerasia Journal, 22:3 (1996), 1-24.

Doak, Kevin, "What Is a Nation and Who Belongs? National Narratives and the Ethnic Imagination in Twentieth-Century Japan," American Historical Review, 102 (1997), 283-309.

Drake, James, "Restraining Atrocity: The Conduct of King Philip's War," New England Quarterly, 70 (1997), 33-56.

Edwards, Laura, Gendered Strife and Confusion: The Political Culture of Reconstruction (Illinois, 1997).

English, Robert D., "Sources, Methods, and Competing Perspectives on the End of the Cold War," Diplomatic History, 21 (1997), 283-94.

Espiritu, Yen Le, ed., "Asian-American Panethnicity," special issue of Amerasia Journal, 22:2 (1996).

Flanagan, Maureen A., "Women in the City, Women of the City: Where Do Women Fit in Urban History?" Journal of Urban History, 23 (1997), 251-59.

Frankel, Boris, "Beyond Labourism and Socialism: How the Australian Labor Party Developed the Model of 'New Labour,'" New Left Review, #221 (Jan. 1997), 3-33.

Frankel, Oz, "Whatever Happened to 'Red Emma'? Emma Goldman, from Alien Rebel to American Icon," Journal of American History, 83 (1996), 903-42,

Fried, Albert, ed., Communism in America: A History in Documents (Columbia, 1997).

________, McCarthyism, the Great American Red Scare: A Documentary History  (Oxford, 1996).

Gadian, David, "Radicalism and Liberalism in Oldham: A Study of Conflict, Continuity and Change in Popular Politics, 1830-2," Social History, 21 (1996), 265-80.

Gamber, Wendy, The Female Economy: The Millinery and Dressmaking trades, 1860-1930 (Illinois, 1997).

Garrod, Andrew and Colleen K. Larimore, eds., First Person, First Peoples: Native American College Graduates Tell Their Life Stories (Cornell, 1997).

"Gendered Colonialisms in African History," special issue of Gender & History, 8 (Nov. 1996).

Gill, Laverne McCain, African American Women in Congress: Forming and Transforming History (Rutgers, 1997).

Gordon, Ann D., et al., eds., African American Women and the Vote, 1837-1965 (Massachusetts, 1997).

Gowers, Robin, "The Origins and Early Impact of the Minimum Wage in Agriculture," Economic History Review, 50 (1997), 82-103.

Graham, Sara Hunter, Woman Suffrage and the New Democracy (Yale, 1996).

Grandin, Greg, "To End With All These Evils: Ethnic Transformation and Community Mobilization in Guatemala's Western Highlands, 1954-1980," Latin American Perspectives, 24 (Mar. 1997), 7-34.

Guardino, Peter F., Peasants, Politics, and the Formation of Mexico's National State: Guerrero, 1800-1857 (Stanford, 1996).

Guarneri, Carl J., "Reconstructing the Antebellum Communitarian Movement: Oneida and Fourierism," Journal of the Early Republic, 16 (1996), 463-88.

Gullickson, Gay L., Unruly Women of Paris: Images of the Commune (Cornell, 1996).

Gump, James O., "A Spirit of Resistance: Sioux, Xhosa, and Maori Responses to Western Dominance, 1840-1920," Pacific Historical Review, 66 (1997), 21-52.

Hahamovitch, Cindy, The Fruits of Their Labor: Atlantic Coast Farmworkers and the Making of Migrant Poverty, 1870-1945 (North Carolina, 1997).

Halpern, Rick, "Respatializing Marxism and Remapping Urban Space," Journal of Urban History, 23 (1997), 221-30.

Hanson, Stephen E., Time and Revolution: Marxism and the Design of Soviet Institutions (North Carolina, 1996).

Harsch, Donna, "Society, State, and Abortion in East Germany, 1950-1972," American Historical Review, 102 (1997), 53-84.

Haslam, Jonathan, "Russian Archival Revelations and Our Understanding of the Cold War," Diplomatic History, 21 (1997), 217-28.

Hatton, Timothy J., "The Immigration Assimilation Puzzle in Late Nineteenth-Century America," Journal of Economic History, 57 (1997), 34-62.

Heller, Charles F., Jr., and John T. Houdek, "Farm Tenants and Landlords in Southern Michigan: A Study of Two Townships," Agricultural History, 70 (1996), 598-625

Hershatter, Gail, Dangerous Pleasures: Prostitution and Modernity in Twentieth-Century Shanghai (California, 1996).

Higginbotham, A. Leon, Jr., Shades of Freedom: Racial Politics and Presumptions of the American Legal Process (Oxford, 1996).

Hinks, Peter P., To Awaken My Afflicted Brethren: David Walker and the Problem of Antebellum Slave Resistance (Penn State, 1997).

Hobsbawm, Eric, "History and Illusion," New Left Review, #220 (Nov. 1996), 116-25.

Horowitz, Roger, "'Where Men Will Not Work': Gender, Power, Space, and the Sexual Division of Labor in America's Meatpacking Industry," Technology and Culture, 38 (1997), 187-213.

Horton, James O., and Lois E. Horton, In Hope of Liberty: Culture, Community and Protest among Northern Free Blacks, 1700-1860 (Oxford, 1996).

Huberman, Michael, Escape from the Market: Negotiating Work in Lancashire (Cambridge, 1997).

Hull, J.P., "From Rostow to Chandler to You: How Revolutionary Was the Second Industrial Revolution?" Journal of European Economic History, 25 (1996), 191-208.

Hunter, Tera W., "To 'Joy My Freedom": Southern Black Women's Lives and Labors after the Civil War (Harvard, 1997).

Ibarra, Carlos Figueroa, "Shipwreck and Survival: The Left in Central America," Latin American Perspectives, 24 (Jan. 1997), 114-29.

Jacobs, Kenneth, "Leftist Entrepreneurs in Central America," Socialist Review, 25:3 (1995), 19-26.

Jian, Chen, "The Myth of America's 'Lost Chance' in China: A Chinese Perspective in Light of New Evidence," Diplomatic History, 21 (1997), 77-86.

Johnson, Robert E., "Family Life-Cycles and Economic Stratification: A Case-Study in Rural Russia," Journal of Social History, 30 (1997), 705-31.

Jones, Gareth Stedman, "The Determinist Fix: Some Obstacles to the Further Development of the Linguistic Approach to History in the 1990s," History Workshop Journal, No. 42 (Fall 1996), 19-36.

Kaye, Harvey J., "Whose History Is It?" Monthly Review, 48 (Nov. 1996), 16-30.

Keegan, Timothy, Colonial South Africa and the Origins of the Racial Order (Virginia, 1997).

Keleman, Paul, "In the Name of Socialism: Zionism and European Social Democracy in the Inter-War Years," International Review of Social History, 41 (1996), 331-50.

Kelly, Brian, "Ambiguous Loyalties: The Boston Irish, Slavery, and the Civil War," Historical Journal of Massachusetts, 24 (Summer 1996), 165-204.

Kerber, Linda K., Toward an Intellectual History of Women (North Carolina, 1997).

Kinsbruner, Jay, Not of Pure Blood: The Free People of Color and Racial Prejudice in Nineteenth-Century Puerto Rico (Duke, 1997).

Kirk, Timothy, Nazism and the Working Class in Austria: Industrial Unrest and Political Dissent in the "National Community" (Cambridge, 1996).

Klein, Kerwin Lee, Frontiers of Historical Imagination: Narrating the European Conquest of Native America, 1890-1990 (California, 1996).

Klubock, Thomas Miller, "Working-Class Masculinity, Middle-Class Morality, and Labor Politics in the Chilean Copper Mines," Journal of Social History, 30 (1996), 435-64.

Koelble, Thomas and Andrew Reynolds,, "Power-Sharing Democracy in the New South Africa," Politics & Society, 24 (1996), 221-36.

Korovin, Tanya, "Indigenous Peasant Struggles and the Capitalist Modernization of Agriculture: Chimborazo, 1964-1991," Latin American Perspectives, 24 (May 1997), 25-49.

Krippner, Greta, "The Politics of Privatization in Rural Mexico," Politics & Society, 25 (1997), 4-33.

Kuehn, Thomas, "Understanding Gender Inequality in Renaissance Florence: Personhood and Gifts of Maternal Inheritance by Women," Journal of Women's History, 8 (July 1996), 58-80.

"Labor Under Communist Regimes," special section of International Labor and Working Class History, No. 50 (Fall 1996), 1-113.

Langley, Lester D., The Americas in the Age of Revolution, 1750-1850 (Yale, 1997).

Lau, Raymond W.K., "China: Labour Reform and the Challenge Facing the Working Class," Capital & Class, No. 61 (Spring 1997), 45-80.

Lerner, Gerda, Why History Matters: Life and Thought (Oxford, 1997).

Liddington, Jill, "Gender, Authority and Mining in an Industrial Landscape: Anne Lister, 1791-1840," History Workshop Journal, No. 42 (Fall 1996), 59-86.

Linenthal, Edward T. and Tom Engelhardt, eds., History Wars: The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the American Past (Metropolitan Books, 1996).

Lomperis, Timothy J., From People's War to People's Rule: Insurgency, Intervention, and the Lessons of Vietnam (North Carolina, 1996).

Lovibond, Sabina, "Meaning What We Say: Feminist Ethics and the Critique of Humanism," New Left Review, #220 (Nov. 1996), 98-115.

Lowen, Rebecca, Creating the Cold War University: The Transformation of Stanford (California, 1997).

Luconi, Stefano, "The Changing Meaning of Ethnic Identity among Italian Americans in Philadelphia during the Inter-war Years," Pennsylvania History, 63 (1996), 561-78.

Lynd, Staughton, "We Are All Leaders": The Alternative Unionism of the Early 1930s (Illinois, 1996).

________, Living inside Our Hope: A Steadfast Radical's Thoughts on Rebuilding the Movement (Cornell, 1997)

Markowitz, Gerald and David Rosner, Children, Race, and Power: Kenneth and Mamie Clark's Northside Center (Virginia, 1997).

Martin, JoAnn, "From Revolution to Modernization: Discursive Disruption in State/Peasant Relations in Morelos, Mexico," Socialist Review, 25:3 (1995), 83-112.

Mazrui, Alamin, "The World Bank, the Language Question and the Future of African Education," Race & Class, 38 (Jan-Mar. 1997), 35-48.

McCluskey, Audrey Thomas, "'We Specialize in the Wholly Impossible': Black Women School Founders and Their Mission," Signs, 22 (1997), 403-26.

McGaw, Judith A., "Inventors and Other Great Women: Toward a Feminist History of Technological Luminaries," Technology and Culture, 38 (1997), 214-31.

McIntyre, Kevin, "Geography as Destiny: Cities, Villages, and Khmer Rouge Orientalism," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 38 (1996), 603-18.

Melman, Billie, "Under the Western Historian's Eyes: Eileen Power and the Early Feminist Encounter with Colonialism," History Workshop Journal, No. 42 (Fall 1996), 147-68.

Midgley, Clare, "Sugar Boycotts, Female Activism and the Domestic Base of British Anti-Slavery Culture," Slavery & Abolition, 17 (1996), 137-62.

Milkman, Ruth, Farewell to the Factory: Auto Workers in the Late Twentieth Century (California, 1997).

Minchin, Timothy J., What Do We Need a Union For? The TWUA in the South, 1945-1955 (North Carolina, 1997).

Mohun, Arwen Palmer, "Laundrymen Construct Their World: Gender and the Transformation of a Domestic Task to an Industrial Process, Technology and Culture, 38 (1997), 97-120.

________, "Why Mrs. Harrison Never Learned to Iron: Gender, Skill and Mechanization in the American Steam Laundry Industry," Gender & History, 8 (1996), 231-51.

Morawska, Ewa, "A Historical Ethnography in the Making: Jewish Entrepreneurs in an American Mill Town, 1890-1940 (A Self-Reflexive Account)," Historical Methods, 30 (1997), 58-70.

Murray, David, "Capitalism and Slavery in Cuba," Slavery & Abolition, 17 (1996), 223-37.

Nanda, Meera, "Against Social De(con)struction of Science: Cautionary Tales from the Third World," Monthly Review, 48 (Mar. 1997), 1-20.

Nelson, Bruce, "Class, Race and Democracy in the CIO: The 'New' Labor History Meets the 'Wages of Whiteness,'" International Review of Social History, 41 (1996), 351-74, with a response by Elizabeth Faue, 375-88.

Nelson, Cary, Confessions of a Tenured Radical (NYU, 1996).

Oppenheimer, Martin, "Footnote to the Cold War: The Harvard Russian Research Center," Monthly Review, 48 (Apr. 1997), 7-17.

Pace, G., "European Migration and Middle East Industrialization: Tel Aviv, the First Jewish City," Journal of European Economic History, 25 (1996), 97-128.

Parker-Gwin, Rachel and William G. Roy, "Corporate Law and the Organization of Property in the United States: The Origin and Institutionalization of New Jersey Corporation Law, 1888-1903," Politics & Society, 24 (1996), 111-37.

Parr, Joy, "What Makes Washday Less Blue: Gender, Nation, and Technology Choice in Postwar Canada," Technology and Culture, 38 (1997), 153-86.

Parush, Iris, "Women Readers as Agents of Social Change among Eastern European Jews in the Late Nineteenth Century," Gender & History, 9 (1997), 60-82.

Paton, Diana, "Decency, Dependency and the Lash: Gender and the British Debate over Slave Emancipation, 1830-34," Slavery & Abolition, 17 (1996), 163-84.

Peabody, Sue, "There are No Slaves in France": The Political Culture of Race and Slavery in the Ancien Regime (Oxford, 1996).

Peck, Gunther, "Reinventing Free Labor: Immigrant Padrones and Contract Laborers in North America, 1885-1925," Journal of American History, 83 (1996), 848-71.

Penvenne, Jeanne Marie, "Seeking the Factory for Women: Mozambican Urbanization in the Late Colonial Era," Journal of Urban History, 23 (1997), 342-79.

Petras, James, "Alternatives to Neoliberalism in Latin America," Latin American Perspectives, 24 (Jan. 1997), 80-91.

Phelps, Christopher, "The Poverty of Marxist Crisis Theory during the Great Depression," Canadian Review of American Studies, 26 (Spring 1996), 27-61.

Phillips, Kimberley L., "'But it is a Fine Place to Make Money': Migration and African-American Families in Cleveland, 1915-1929," Journal of Social History, 30 (1996), 393-414.

Plotkin, Mariano Ben, "Freud, Politics and the Porteños: The Reception of Psychoanalysis in Buenos Aires, 1910-1943," Hispanic American Historical Review, 77 (1997), 45-74.

"Privatization," a special section in Radical Teacher, No. 49 (Fall 1996), 4-35.

Radford, Gail, Modern Housing for America: Policy Struggles in the New Deal Era (Chicago, 1996).

Ransby, Barbara, "U.S.: The Black Poor and the Politics of Expendability," Race & Class, 38 (Oct.-Dec. 1996), 1-12.

Raskin, Jonah, For the Hell of It: The Life and Times of Abbie Hoffman (California, 1996).

Reid, Douglas A., "Weddings, Weekdays, Work and Leisure in Urban England, 1791-1911: The Decline of Saint Monday Revisited," Past & Present, No. 153 (Nov. 1996), 135-63.

Reiff, Janice L., "A Modern Lear and His Daughters: Gender in the Model Town of Pullman," Journal of Urban History, 23 (1997), 316-41.

Richards, Donald G., "The Political Economy of Neo-Liberal Reform in Latin America: A Critical Appraisal," Capital & Class, No. 61 (Spring 1997), 19-44.

Roses, Lorraine Elena, and Ruth Elizabeth Randolph, eds., Harlem's Glory: Black Women Writing, 1900-1950 (Harvard, 1997).

Rosser, Gervase, "Crafts, Guilds and the Negotiation of Work in the Medieval Town," Past & Present, No. 154 (Feb. 1997), 3-31.

Ruff, Allen, "We Called Each Other Comrade": Charles H. Kerr & Company, Radical Publishers (Illinois, 1997).

Scarano, Francisco A., "The Jibaro Masquerade and the Subaltern Politics of Creole Identity Formation in Puerto Rico, 1745-1823," American Historical Review, 101 (1996), 1398-1431.

Schirmer, Daniel B., "Sexual Abuse and the U.S. Military Presence: The Philippines and Japan," Monthly Review, 48 (Feb. 1997), 43-57.

Schneider, Mark Robert, Boston Confronts Jim Crow, 1890-1920 (Northeastern, 1997).

Schofield, Ann, "To Do and To Be": Portraits of Four Women Activists (Northeastern, 1997).

Schott, Linda K., Reconstructing Women's Thoughts: The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Before World War II (Stanford, 1997).

Schrager, Cynthia D., "Both Sides of the Veil: Race, Science, and Mysticism in W.E.B. Du Bois," American Quarterly, 48 (1996), 551-86.

Schrecker, Ellen, "Immigration and Internal Security: Political Deportations During the McCarthy Era," Science & Society, 60 (1996), 393-426.

Schwalm, Leslie A., A Hard Fight for We: Women's Transition from Slavery to Freedom in South Carolina (Illinois, 1997).

Schwartz, Benjamin, "History in Chinese Culture: Some Comparative Reflections," History and Theory, 35 (1996), 23-33.

Scott, Joan Wallach, ed., Feminism and History (Oxford, 1996).

Selvin, David F., A Terrible Anger: The 1934 Waterfront and General Strikes in San Francisco (Wayne State, 1997).

Sinha, Mrinalini, "Teaching Imperialism as a Social Formation," with a comment by John S. Ellis, Radical History Review, No. 67 (Win. 1997), 175-86.

Slayton, Robert A., "Labor and Urban Politics: District 31, Steel Workers Organizing Committee, and the Chicago Machine," Journal of Urban History, 23 (1996),29-65.

Soyer, Daniel, Jewish Immigrant Associations and American Identity in New York, 1880-1939 (Harvard, 1997).

Steinberg, Stephen, "Science and Politics in the Work of William Julius Wilson," New Politics , No. 22 (Winter 1997), 76-80.

Stewart, Paul, "Striking Smarter and Harder at Vauxhall: The New Industrial Relations of Lean Production," Capital & Class, No. 61 (Spring 1997), 1-7.

Stock, Caroline McNicol, Rural Radicals: Righteous Rage in the American Grain (Cornell, 1996).

Stromquist, Shelton, "The Crucible of Class: Cleveland Politics and the Origins of Municipal Reform in the Progressive Era," Journal of Urban History, 23 (1997), 192-220.

Struve, Walter, Germans and Texans: Commerce, Migration, and Culture in the Days of the Lone-Star Republic (Texas, 1996).

Stuart, Robert, "Gendered Labour in the Ideological Discourse of French Marxism: the Parti Ouvrier Français, 1882-1905," Gender & History, 9 (1997), 107-29.

Sugrue, Thomas J., "Segmented Work, Race-Conscious Workers: Structure, Agency and Division in the CIO Era," International Review of Social History, 41 (1996), 389-406.

Sweet, James H., "The Iberian Roots of American Racist Thought," William & Mary Quarterly, 54 (1997), 143-66.

Taylor, Lynne, "Food Riots Revisited," Journal of Social History, 30 (1996), 483-96.

"Thomas and Znaniecki's The Polish Peasant in Europe and America," special forum in Journal of American Ethnic History, 16:1 (Fall 1996), 16-54.

Tickner, J. Ann, "Harbingers of Peace? Women and American Foreign Policy in the Twentieth Century," Diplomatic History, 21 (1997), 157-62.

Tracy, James, Direct Action: Radical Pacifism from the Union Eight to the Chicago Seven (Chicago, 1997).

Vickers, Daniel, "An Honest Tar: Ashley Brown of Marblehead," New England Quarterly, 69 (1996), 531-53.

Vo, Linda Trinh, "Asian Immigrants, Asian Americans, and the Politics of Economic Mobilization in San Diego," Amerasia Journal, 22:2 (1996), 89-108.

von Ankum, Katherina, ed., Women in the Metropolis: Gender and Modernity in Weimar Culture (California, 1996).

Von Eschen, Penny M., Race Against Empire: Black Americans and Anticolonialism, 1937-1957 (Cornell, 1996).

Wallace, Mike, Mickey Mouse History and Other Essays on American Memory (Temple, 1996).

Wang, Zinyang, "Economic Opportunity, Artisan Leadership, and Immigrant Workers' Labor Militancy: Italian and Chinese Immigrant Workers in New York City, 1890-1970," Labor History, 37 (1996), 480-99.

Weiner, Marli F., Mistresses and Slaves: Plantation Women in South Carolina, 1830-80 (Illinois, 1997).

Weinstein, Barbara, For Social Peace in Brazil: Industrialists and the Remaking of the Working Class in Sao Paulo, 1920-1964 (North Carolina, 1996).

Weitz, Eric D., Creating German Communism, 1890-1990: From Popular Protests to Socialist State (Princeton, 1996).

Wells, Miriam J., Strawberry Fields: Politics, Class, and Work in California Agriculture (Cornell, 1997).

Wenger, Beth S., New York Jews and the Great Depression: Uncertain Promise (Yale, 1997).

West, Michael O., "'Joint Drinking' and the Politics of Sexual Control in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1920s-1950s," Journal of Social History, 30 (1997), 645-68.

Wilson, Francille Rusan, "'This Past Was Waiting for Me When I Came': The Contextualization of Black Women's History," Feminist Studies, 22 (1996), 345-61.

Wolpert, Stanley, Nehru: A Tryst with Destiny (Oxford, 1996).

Wong, K. Scott, "'The Eagle Seeks a Helpless Quarry': Chinatown, the Police and the Press. The 1903 Boston Chinatown Raid Revisited," Amerasia Journal, 22:3 (1996), 81-103.

Woodman, Harold D., "Class, Race, Politics, and the Modernization of the Postbellum South," Journal of Southern History, 63 (1997), 3-22.

Zarnowska, Anna, "Social Change, Women, and the Family in the Era of Industrialization: Recent Polish Research," Journal of Family History, 22 (1997), 191-203.

Zheng, Wang, "Maoism, Feminism and the UN Conference on Women: Women's Studies Research in Contemporary China," Journal of Women's History, 8 (Winter 1997), 126-52.


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