"Recent Books and Articles of Interest"
compiled by Tom Dublin
(reprinted from recent issues of the Radical Historians Newsletter)

Number 72, May 1995

Abrash, Barbara, and Daniel J. Walkowitz, "Sub/versions of History: A Meditation of Film and Historical Narrative," History Workshop Journal, No. 38 (Autumn '94), 203-14.

Ackelsberg, Martha A., "Dependency or Mutuality: A Feminist Perspective on Dilemmas of Welfare Policy," Rethinking Marxism, 7 (Summer '94), 73-86.

Adamson, Christopher, "God's Continent Divided: Politics and Religion in Upper Canada and the Northern and Western United States, 1775 to 1841," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 36 (1994), 417-46.

Adler, Glenn and Eddie Webster, "Challenging Transition Theory: The Labor Movement, Radical Reform, and Transition to Democracy in South Africa," Politics & Society, 23 (1995), 75-106.

Agarwal, Bina, "Gender, Resistance and Land: Interlinked Struggles over Resources and Meanings in South Asia," Journal of Peasant Studies, 22 (1994), 81-125.

Aguilar, Filomeno V., Jr., "Sugar Planter-State Relations and Labour Processes in Colonial Philippine Haciendas," Journal of Peasant Studies, 22 (1994), 50-80.

Alexander, Elizabeth, "'We Must Be about Our Father's Business': Anna Julia Cooper and the In-Corporation of the Nineteenth-Century African-American Woman Intellectual," Signs, 20 (1995), 336-56.

Allman, Jean, "Making Mothers: Missionaries, Medical Officers and Women's Work in Colonial Asante, 1924-1945," History Workshop Journal, No. 38 (Autumn '94), 23-47.

Anderson, Terry, The Movement and the Sixties: Protest in America from Greensboro to Wounded Knee (Oxford, 1995).

Aparicio, Frances R., "On Multiculturalism and Privilege: A Latina Perspective," American Quarterly, 46 (1994), 575-88.

Argersinger, Peter H., The Limits of Agrarian Radicalism: Western Populism and American Politics (Kansas, 1995).

Arnesen, Eric, "'Like Banquo's Ghost, It Will Not Down': The Race Question and the American Railroad Brotherhoods, 1880-1920," American Historical Review, 99 (1994), 1601-33.

"Arranging Identities: Construction of Race, Ethnicity, and Nation," special section of Socialist Review, 94:1&2 (1995), 1-222.

Azuma, Eiichiro, "Interethnic Conflict under Racial Subordination: Japanese Immigrants and Their Asian Neighbors in Walnut Grove, California, 1908-1941," Amerasia Journal, 20:2 (1994), 27-56.

Baker, Thomas H., "First Movers and the Growth of Small Industry in Northeastern Italy," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 36 (Oct. '94), 621-48.

Barkun, Michael, Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement (North Carolina, 1994).

Baumel, Judith Tydor, "Social Interaction among Jewish Women in Crisis during the Holocaust: A Case Study," Gender & History, 7 (1995), 64-84.

Baxandall, Rosalyn and Linda Gordon, eds., America's Working Women: A Documentary History, revised ed. (W.W. Norton, 1995).

Berryman, Philip, Stubborn Hope: Religion, Politics, and Revolution in Central America (New Press, 1994).

Boris, Eileen, "The Home as a Workplace: Deconstructing Dichotomies," International Review of Social History, 39 (1994), 415-28.

Brecher, Jeremy, and Tim Costello, Global Village or Global Pillage: Economic Reconstruction from the Bottom Up (South End Press, 1994).

Broussard, Albert S., Black San Francisco: The Struggle for Racial Equality in the West, 1900-1954 (Kansas, 1995).

Brown, Nathan J., "Who Abolished Corvee Labour in Egypt and Why?'' Past & Present, No. 144 (Aug. '94), 116-37.

Burner, Eric R., And Gently He Shall Lead Them: Robert Parris Moses and Civil Rights in Mississippi (NYU, 1994).

Bush, Alfred L., and Lee Clark Marshall, The Photograph and the American Indian (Princeton, 1995).

Camp, Helen C., Iron in Her Soul: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and the American Left (WSU Press, 1995).

Carlin, Norah, "Liberty and Fraternities in the English Revolution: The Politics of London Artisans' Protests, 1635-1659," International Review of Social History, 39 (1994), 223-54.

Carter, Bob, "A Growing Divide: Marxist Class Analysis and the Labour Process," Capital & Class, No. 55 (Spring '95), 33-72.

Clark, Christopher, The Communitarian Moment: The Radical Challenge of the Northampton Association (Cornell, 1995).

Clark-Lewis, Elizabeth, Living In, Living Out: African-American Domestics in Washington, D.C., 1910-1940 (Smithsonian, 1995).

Coffin, Judith G., "Gender and the Guild Order: The Garment Trades in Eighteenth-Century France," Journal of Economic History, 54 (1994), 768-93.

Cohen, Rose, Out of the Shadow: A Russian Jewish Girlhood on the Lower East Side, with an introduction by Thomas Dublin (Cornell, 1995).

Coiner, Constance, Better Red: The Writing and Resistance of Tillie Olsen and Meridel Le Sueur (Oxford, 1995).

Collier-Thomas, Bettye and James Turner, "Race, Class and Color: The African American Discourse on Identity," Journal of American Ethnic History, 14 (1994), 5-31.

Cooper, Frederick, "Conflict and Connection: Rethinking Colonial African History," American Historical Review, 99 (1994), 1516-45.

Cornford, Daniel A., ed., Working People of California (California, 1995).

Cudjoe, Selwyn R. and William E. Cain. eds., C.L.R. James: His Intellectual Legacies (Massachusetts, 1994).

D'Emilio, John, "Homophobia and the Trajectory of Postwar American Radicalism: The Case of Bayard Rustin," Radical History Review, No. 62 (Spring '95), 80-103.

Daly, Mary E., "Women in the Irish Free State, 1922-1939: The Interaction between Economics and Ideology," Journal of Women's History, 6/7 (Winter-Spring '95), 99-116.

Daniel, Pete, "Rhythm of the Land," Agricultural History, 69 (Fall '94), 1-22.

de la Fuente, Alejandro, "Race and Inequality in Cuba, 1899-1981," Journal of Contemporary History, 30 (1995), 131-68.

Derby, Lauren, "Haitians, Magic, and Money: Raza and Society in the Haitian-Dominican Borderlands, 1900 to 1937," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 36 (1994), 488-526.

Dittmer, John, Local People: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi (Illinois, 1994).

Divine, Robert A., "Historians and the Gulf War: A Critique," Diplomatic History, 19 (1995), 117-34.

Dudziak, Mary L., "Josephine Baker, Racial Protest, and the Cold War," Journal of American History, 81 (1994), 543-70.

"E.P. Thompson and the Uses of History," special section of History Workshop Journal, No. 39 (Spring '95), 71-136.

Epstein, Barbara, "Masculinity and the Culture of Anxiety in the Postwar United States," Rethinking Marxism, 7 (Summer '94), 28-37.

Epstein, James A., Radical Expression: Political Language, Ritual, and Symbol in England, 1790-1850 (Oxford, 1994).

Fabre, Geneviève and Robert O'Meally, eds., History and Memory in African American Culture (Oxford, 1994).

Farber, David, The Sixties: From Memory to History (North Carolina, 1994).

Ferguson, Priscilla Parkhurst, Paris as Revolution: Writing the Nineteenth-Century City (California, 1994).

Filtzer, Donald, Soviet Workers and the Collapse of Perestroika: The Soviet Labour Process and Gorbachev's Reforms, 1985-1991 (Cambridge, 1994).

Fitzpatrick, Sheila, Stalin's Peasants: Resistance and Survival in the Russian Village after Collectivization (Oxford, 1994).

Foner, Eric, "The Meaning of Freedom in the Age of Emancipation," Journal of American History, 81 (1994), 435-60.

Friday, Chris, "Asian American Labor History and Historical Interpretations," Labor History, 35 (1994), 524-46.

Gabaccia, Donna, From the Other Side: Women, Gender, and Immigrant Life in the U.S., 1820-1990 (Indiana, 1995).

Gailus, Manfred, "Food Riots in Germany in the Late 1840s," Past & Present, No. 145 (Nov. '94), 157-93.

Garafola, Lynn, ed., "Of, By, and For the People: Dancing on the Left in the 1930s," special issue of Studies in Dance History, 5:1 (Spring '94).

Gerstle, Gary, "The Protean Character of American Liberalism," American Historical Review, 99 (1994), 1043-73.

Goldman, Merle, Sowing the Seeds of Democracy in China: Political Reform in the Deng Xiaoping Era (Harvard, 1994).

Gonzalez, Gilbert G. and Raul Fernandez, "Chicano History: Transcending Cultural Models," Pacific Historical Review, 63 (1994), 469-98.

Gordon, Colin, New Deals: Business, Labor, and Politics in America, 1920-1935 (Cambridge, 1994).

Grim, Valerie, "The Impact of Mechanized Farming on Black Farm Families in the Rural South: A Study of Farm Life in the Brooks Farm Community, 1940-1970," Agricultural History, 68 (Spring '94), 169-84.

Guerin-Gonzalez, Camille, "Conversing Across Boundaries of Race, Ethnicity, Class, Gender and Region: Latino and Latina Labor History," Labor History, 35 (1994), 547-63.

Gutiérrez, David G., Walls and Mirrors: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants, and the Politics of Ethnicity (California, 1994).

Hale, Charles A., "Frank Tannenbaum and the Mexican Revolution," Hispanic American Historical Review, 75 (1995), 215-46.

"Harry Braverman's Labor and Monopoly Capital," special issue of Monthly Review, 46:6 (Nov. '94).

Hart, Vivien, Bound by our Constitution: Women, Workers, and the Minimum Wage (Princeton, 1995).

Hauser, Walter, "Violence, Agrarian Radicalism and Electoral Politics: Reflections on the Indian People's Front," Journal of Peasant Studies, 21 (1993), 85-126.

Hayashi, Brian Masaru, "For the Sake of Our Japanese Brethren'': Assimilation, Nationalism, and Protestantism among the Japanese of Los Angeles, 1895-1942 (Stanford, 1995).

Helg, Aline, Our Rightful Share: The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality, 1886-1912 (North Carolina, 1994).

Hill, Anita F. and Emma Coleman Jordan, eds., Race, Gender, and Power in America (Oxford, 1995).

Hine, Darlene Clark, Elsa Barkley Brown, and Rosalyn Terborg-Penn, eds., Black Women in White America: An Historical Encyclopedia (Indiana, 1994).

Hinton, James, "Militant Housewives: The British Housewives' League and the Attlee Government," History Workshop Journal, No. 38 (Autumn '94), 129-56.

Hobsbawm, Eric, The Age of Extremities, 1914-1991 (Pantheon, 1994).

Hoffmann, David L., Peasant Metropolis: Social Identities in Moscow, 1929-1941 (Cornell, 1994).

Holt, Sharon Ann, "Making Freedom Pay: Freedpeople Working for Themselves, North Carolina, 1865-1900," Journal of Southern History, 60 (1994), 229-62.

Holt, Thomas, "Marking: Race, Race-making, and the Writing of History," American Historical Review, 100 (1995), 1-20.

Holton, Sandra Stanley, "'To Educate Women into Rebellion': Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Creation of a Transatlantic Network of Radical Suffragists," American Historical Review, 99 (1994), 1112-1136.

Horowitz, Joel, "Argentina's Failed General Strike of 1921: A Critical Moment in the Radicals' Relations with Unions," Hispanic American Historical Review, 75 (1995), 57-80.

Horrell, Sara and Jane Humphries, "Women's Labour Force Participation and the Transition to the Male-Breadwinner Family, 1790-1865," Economic History Review, 48 (1995), 89-117.

Howard, John, "The Library, the Park, and the Pervert: Public Space and Homosexual Encounter in Post-World War II Atlanta," Radical History Review, No. 62 (Spring '95), 166-87.

Hoy, Suellen, "The Journey Out: The Recruitment and Emigration of Irish Religious Women in the United States, 1812-1914," Journal of Women's History, 6/7 (Winter-Spring '95), 64-98.

Hurley, Andrew, Environmental Inequalities: Class, Race, and Industrial Pollution in Gary, Indiana, 1945-1980 (North Carolina, 1994).

Ingle, H. Larry, First Among Friends: George Fox and the Creation of Quakerism (Oxford, 1994).

Jacobson, Matthew, Special Sorrows: The Diasporic Imagination of Irish, Polish, and Jewish Immigrants in the United States (Harvard, 1995).

Johnson, Paul, Success Where Others Fail: Social Movement Unionism and the Workplace (ILR Press, 1994).

Juster, Susan M., "Patriarchy Reborn: The Gendering of Authority in the Evangelical Church in Revolutionary New England," Gender & History, 6 (1994), 58-81.

Kapadia, Karin, "Where Angels Fear To Tread?: 'Third World Women' and 'Development,"' Journal of Peasant Studies, 22 (1995), 356-68.

Katz, Michael B., Improving Poor People: The Welfare State, the "Underclass," and Urban Schools as History (Princeton, 1995).

Kazin, Michael, The Populist Persuasion: An American History (Basic, 1995).

Kelley, Robin D.G., Race Rebels: Culture, Politics and the Black Working Class (Free Press, 1994).

Kennedy, Elizabeth Lapovsky, "Telling Tales: Oral History and the Construction of Pre-Stonewall Lesbian History," Radical History Review, No. 62 (Spring '95), 58-79.

Kerber, Linda K., Alice Kessler-Harris, and Kathryn Kish Sklar, eds., U.S. History as Women's History (North Carolina, 1995).

Kermode, Jennifer and Garthine Walker, eds., Women, Crime, and the Courts in Early Modern England (North Carolina, 1994).

Klare, Michael, Rogue State and Nuclear Outlaws: America's Search for a New Foreign Policy (Hill & Wang, 1994).

Kohn, Stephen M., American Political Prisoners: Prosecutions under the Espionage and Sedition Acts (Praeger, 1994).

Leeder, Elaine, The Gentle General: Rosa Pesotta, Anarchist and Labor Organizer (State Univ. of NY Press, 1994).

Licht, Walter, Industrializing America: The Nineteenth Century (Johns Hopkins, 1995).

Linenthal, Edward T., Preserving Memory: The Struggle to Create America's Holocaust Museum (Penguin, 1994).

Lipartito, Kenneth, "When Women Were Switches: Technology, Work and Gender in the Telephone Industry, 1890-1920," American Historical Review, 99 (1994), 1074-1111.

Liu, Tessie P., "Le Patrimoine Magique: Reassessing the Power of Women in Peasant Households in Nineteenth-Century France," Gender & History, 6 (1994), 13-36.

Love, Richard, "In Defiance of Custom and Tradition: Black Tobacco Workers and Labor Unions in Richmond, Virginia, 1937-1941," Labor History, 35 (1994), 24-47.

Lovejoy, David S., "Satanizing the American Indian," New England Quarterly, 67 (1994), 603-21.

Lutjens, Sheryl L., "Reading Between the Lines: Women, the State, and Rectification in Cuba," Latin American Perspectives, 22 (Spring '95), 100-24.

Lynd, Staughton, Sam Bahour, and Alice Lynd, eds., Homeland: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians (Interlink Publishing, 1994).

"Making History from Above and Below: Elite and Popular Perspectives on Politics," special section of Social Science History, 18:4 (1994).

Mallon, Florencia E., "Promise and Dilemma of Subaltern Studies: Perspectives from Latin American History," American Historical Review, 99 (1994), 1491-1515.

________, Peasant and Nation: The Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru (California, 1994).

Marable, Manning and Leith Mullings, "The Divided Mind of Black America: Race, Ideology and Politics in the Post-Civil Rights Era," Race & Class, 36 (July-Sept. '94), 61-72.

Marrus, Michael R., "Jewish Resistance to the Holocaust," Journal of Contemporary History, 30 (1995), 83-110.

McCurry, Stephanie, Masters of Small Worlds: Yeoman Households, Gender Relations, and the Political Culture of the Antebellum South Carolina Low Country (Oxford, 1995).

McKernan, Anne, "War, Gender, and Industrial Innovation: Recruiting Women Weavers in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland," Journal of Social History, 28 (1994), 109-24.

McKillen, Elizabeth, Chicago Labor and the Quest for a Democratic Diplomacy, 1914-1924 (Cornell, 1995).

McKiven, Henry M., Jr., Iron and Steel: Class, Race, and Community in Birmingham, Alabama, 1875-1920 (North Carolina, 1995).

Medford, Edna Greene, "'I Was Always a Union Man': The Dilemma of Free Blacks in Confederate Virginia," Slavery & Abolition, 15 (Dec. '94), 1-16.

Merrill, Michael, "Putting 'Capitalism' in Its Place: A Review of Recent Literature," William & Mary Quarterly, 52 (1995), 315-26.

Miller, Sally M. and Daniel A. Cornford, eds., American Labor in the Era of World War II (Greenwood, 1995).

Mills, Kenneth, "The Limits of Religious Coercion in Mid-Colonial Peru," Past & Present, No. 145 (Nov. '94), 84-121.

Mink, Gwendolyn, The Wages of Motherhood: Inequality in the Welfare State, 1917-1942 (Cornell, 1995).

Molony, Barbara, "Japan's 1986 Equal Employment Opportunity Law and the Changing Discourse on Gender," Signs, 20 (1995), 268-302.

Montgomery, David, "Labor and the Political Leadership of New Deal America," International Review of Social History, 39 (Dec. '94), 335-60.

Montgomery, William E., Under Their Own Vine and Fig Tree: The African-American Church in the South, 1865-1900 (LSU Press, 1994).

Montoya, Rosario, "Liberation Theology and the Socialist Utopia of a Nicaraguan Shoemaker," Social History, 20 (1995), 23-44.

Morgan, Philip D., "Slaves and Livestock in Eighteenth-Century Jamaica: Vineyard Pen, 1750-1751," William & Mary Quarterly, 52 (1995), 47-76.

Needell, Jeffrey D., "Identity, Race, Gender and Modernity in the Origins of Gilberto Freyre's Oeuvre," American Historical Review, 100 (1995), 51-77.

"New African-American Urban History," two special sections in Journal of Urban History, 21:3 and 4 (March and May 1995).

Olliff, Martin T., "Life and Work in a Progressive Cotton Community: Prattville, Alabama, 1846-1860," Agricultural History, 68 (Spring '94), 51-61.

Orleck, Anneliese, Common Sense and a Little Fire: Women and Working-Class Politics in the United States, 1900-1965 (North Carolina, 1995).

Osdtler, Jeffrey, "The Rhetoric of Conspiracy and the Formation of Kansas Populism," Agricultural History, 69 (Winter '95), 1-27.

Painter, Nell Irvin, "Representing Truth: Sojourner Truth's Knowing and Becoming Known," Journal of American History, 81 (1994), 461-93.

Phimister, Ian, "Lashers and Leviathan: The 1954 Coalminers' Strike in Colonial Zimbabwe," International Review of Social History, 39 (1994), 165-96.

Portillo, Ma. Josefina Saldana, "Re-guarding Myself: Menchu's Autobiographical Rendering of the Authentic Order," Socialist Review, 94:1&2 (1995), 85-114.

Prakash, Gyan, "Subaltern Studies as Postcolonial Criticism," American Historical Review, 99 (1994), 1475-90.

Prakash, Gyan, ed., After Colonialism: Imperial Histories and Postcolonial Displacements (Princeton, 1994).

Preston, William, Jr., Aliens and Dissenters: Federal Suppression of Radicals, 1903-1933, revised ed. (Illinois, 1994).

Price, John, "Lean Production at Suzuki and Toyota: A Historical Perspective,"Studies in Political Economy, No. 45 (Fall '94), 66-99.

Prucha, Francis Paul, American Indian Treaties: The History of a Political Anomaly (California, 1994).

"Public History," special issue of Gender & History, 6:3 (Nov. '94).

"Queer Issue: New Visions of America's Lesbian and Gay Past," special issue of Radical History Review, No. 62 (Spring '95).

Quist, John W., "'The Great Majority of our Subscribers are Farmers': The Michigan Abolitionist Constituency of the 1840s," Journal of the Early American Republic, 14 (1994), 325-58.

Ratcliffe, B.M., "Manufacturing in the Metropolis: The Dynamism and Dynamics of Parisian Industry in the Mid-Nineteenth Century," Journal of European Economic History, 23 (1994), 263-328.

Reid, Donald, "In the Name of the Father: A Language of Labour Relations in Nineteenth-Century France," History Workshop Journal, No. 38 (Autumn '94), 1-22.

Richter, Irving, Labor's Struggles, 1945-1950: A Participant's View (Cambridge, 1994).

Riss, Arthur, "Racial Essentialism and Family Values in Uncle Tom's Cabin," American Quarterly, 46 (1994), 513-44.

Roberts, Ronald Suresh, Clarence Thomas and the Tough Love Crowd: Counterfeit Heroes and Unhappy Truths (NYU, 1994).

Robinson, Cyril D. and Richard Scaglion, with Michael Olivero, Police in Contradiction: The Evolution of the Police Function in Society (Greenwood, 1994).

Rosenblum, Jonathan D., Copper Crucible: How the Arizona Miners' Strike of 1983 Recast Labor-Management Relations in America (ILR Press, 1995).

Rotter, Andrew J., "Gender Relations, Foreign Relations: The United States and South Asia, 1947-1964," Journal of American History, 81 (1994), 518-42.

Rubin, Eva R., ed., The Abortion Controversy: A Documentary History (Greenwood, 1994).

Ruffins, Faith Davis, "'Lifting as We Climb': Black Women and the Preservation of African American History and Culture," Gender & History, 6 (Nov. '94), 376-96.

Ruthchild, Rochelle Goldberg, ed., Women in Russia and the Soviet Union: An Annotated Bibliography (G.K. Hall, 1994).

Salmon, Marylynn, "The Cultural Significance of Breastfeeding and Infant Care in Early Modern England and America," Journal of Social History, 28 (1995), 247-70.

Santos, Michael, "Between Hegemony and Autonomy: The Skilled Iron Workers' Search for Identity, 1900-1930," Labor History, 35 (1994), 399-423.

Schneirov, Richard, "Rethinking the Relation of Labor to the Politics of Urban Social Reform in Late Nineteenth-Century America: The Case of Chicago," International Labor and Working Class History, No. 46 (Fall '94), 93-108.

Scott, Shauna L., Two Sides to Everything: The Dialectics of Class Consciousness in Harlan County, Kentucky (State Univ. of NY Press, 1994).

Scranton, Philip, "Manufacturing Diversity: Production Systems, Markets, and an American Consumer Society, 1870-1930," Technology and Culture, 35 (1994), 476-505.

Scribner, Bob, "Practical Utopias: Pre-Modern Communism and the Reformation," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 36 (Oct. '94), 743-74.

Shoemaker, Nancy, ed., Negotiators of Change: Historical Perspectives on Native American Women (Routledge, 1995).

Sklar, Kathryn Kish, Florence Kelley and the Nation's Work: The Rise of Women's Political Culture, 1830-1900 (Yale, 1995).

Small, Stephen, "Racial Group Boundaries and Identities: People of 'Mixed Race' in Slavery across the Americas," Slavery & Abolition, 15 (Dec. '94), 17-37.

Smith, Carl, Urban Disorder and the Shape of Belief: The Great Chicago Fire, the Haymarket Bomb, and the Model Town of Pullman (Chicago, 1994).

Smith, Thomas G., "Negotiating with Fidel Castro: The Bay of Pigs Prisoners and a Lost Opportunity," Diplomatic History, 19 (1995), 59-86.

Sommestad, Lena, "Gendering Work, Interpreting Gender: The Masculinization of Dairy Work in Sweden, 1850-1950," History Workshop, 37 (Spring '94), 57-75.

Steinberg, Marc W., "The Dialogue of Struggle: The Contest over Ideological Boundaries in the Case of London Silk Weavers in the Early Nineteenth Century," Social Science History, 18 (1994), 505-42.

Steinberg, Theodore, Slide Mountain, or the Folly of Owning Nature (California, 1994).

Stokes, Melvyn and Rick Halpern, eds., Race & Class in the American South Since 1890 (Berg, 1994).

Stott, Richard B., ed., History of My Own Times , or the Life and Adventures of William Otter (Cornell, 1995).

Taylor, Barbara, "Religion, Radicalism, and Fantasy," History Workshop Journal, No. 39 (Spring '95), 102-12.

Thompson, E.P., Making History: Writings on History and Culture (New Press, 1994).

Tilly, Charles, "Globalization Threatens Labor's Rights," International Labor and Working Class History, No. 47 (Spring '95), 1-23, with responses by Immanuel Wallerstein, Aristide R. Zolberg, E.J. Hobsbawm, and Lourdes Benería.

Tomich, Dale, "Small Islands and Huge Comparisons: Caribbean Plantations, Historical Unevenness, and Capitalist Modernity," Social Science History, 18 (1994), 339-58.

Tong, Benson, Unsubmissive Women: Chinese Prostitutes in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco (Oklahoma, 1994).

Tosh, John, "What Should Historians Do with Masculinity? Reflections on Nineteenth-Century Britain," History Workshop Journal, No. 38 (Autumn '94), 179-202.

Trotter, Joe William, Jr., "African-American Workers: New Directions in U.S. Labor Historiography," Labor History, 35 (1994), 495-523.

Truant, Cynthia Maria, The Rites of Labor: Brotherhoods of Compagnonnage in Old and New Regime France (Cornell, 1994).

Tucker, Barbara M., "Agricultural Workers in World War II: The Reserve Army of Children, Black Americans, and Jamaicans," Agricultural History, 68 (Winter '94), 54-73.

Turbin, Carole, "Domestic Service Revisited: Private Household Workers and Employers in a Shifting Economic Environment," International Labor and Working Class History, No. 47 (Spring '95), 91-100.

Tushnet, Mark V., Making Civil Rights Law: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court, 1936-1961 (Oxford, 1994).

"Unfree Labour in the Development of the Atlantic World," special issue of Slavery & Abolition, 15:2 (Aug. '94).

Valenze, Deborah, The First Industrial Woman (Oxford, 1994).

Vicinus, Martha, "Lesbian History: All Theory and No Facts or All Facts and No Theory," Radical History Review, 60 (Fall '94), 57-75.

von Saldern, Adelheid, "Current Trends in Research on the German Workers' Movement and Labor History," International Labor and Working Class History, #45 (Spring '94), 120-32.

Wagman, Barnet, "Occupation, Power, and the Origins of Labor Segmentation in the U.S., 1870-1910," Review of Radical Political Economics, 27 (March '95), 1-24.

Wald, Alan, "Cuba and the U.S. New Left," Michigan Quarterly Review, 33 (1994), 883-91.

________, Writing from the Left: New Essays on Radical Culture and Politics (Verso, 1994).

Walker, Alice, "The Story of Why I Am Here: Or, A Woman Connects Oppressions," Monthly Review, 46:2 (June '94), 38-43.

Walker, Samuel, Hate Speech: The History of an American Controversy (Nebraska, 1994).

Walkowitz, Daniel J., "'Normal Life' in the New Ukraine: The Crisis of Identity Among Donetsk's Miners," Radical History Review, No. 61 (Winter '95), 62-91.

Wall, Irwin M., "The United States, Algeria, and the Fall of the Fourth French Republic," Diplomatic History, 18 (1994), 489-512.

Weber, Devra, Dark Sweat, White Gold: California Farm Workers, Cotton, and the New Deal (California, 1994).

Weiler, Kathleen, "Schooling Migrant Children: California, 1920-1940," History Workshop, 37 (Spring '94), 117-42.

Weinstein, Barbara, "The Model Worker of the Paulista Industrialists: The 'Operário Padrao' Campaign, 1964-1985," Radical History Review, No. 61 (Winter '95), 92-123.

Weir, Lorna, "Left Popular Politics in Canadian Feminist Abortion Organizing, 1982-1991," Feminist Studies, 20 (1994), 249-74.

Weisenfeld, Judith, "The Harlem YWCA and the Secular City, 1904-1945," Journal of Women's History, 6 (Fall '94), 62-78.

Weller, Robert P., Resistance, Chaos and Control in China: Taiping Rebels, Taiwanese Ghosts and Tiananmen (Washington, 1994).

Wells, Roger, "E.P. Thompson, Customs in Common, and Moral Economy," Journal of Peasant Studies, 21 (1994), 263-307.

Wells, Tom, The War Within: America's Battle Over Vietnam (California, 1994).

West, Patricia, "Gender Politics and the 'Invention of Tradition': The Museumization of Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House," Gender & History, 6 (Nov. '94), 456-67.

"What Next for Labor and Working-Class History?'' roundtable in International Labor and Working Class History, #46 (Fall '94), 7-92.

White, Richard and Patricia Nelson Limerick, The Frontier in American Culture (California, 1994).

White, Shane, "'It Was a Proud Day': African Americans, Festivals, and Parades in the North, 1741-1834," Journal of American History, 81 (1994), 13-50.

Whitehead, Judy, "Bodies Clean and Unclean: Prostitution, Sanitary Legislation, and Respectable Femininity in Colonial North India," Gender & History, 7 (1995), 41-63.

Williams, Robert G., States and Social Evolution: Coffee and the Rise of National Governments in Central America (North Carolina, 1994).

Wilson, Carol, Freedom at Risk: The Kidnapping of Free Blacks in America, 1780-1865 (Kentucky, 1994).

Winans, Edgar V., "The Head of the King: Museums and the Path to Resistance," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 36 (1994), 221-41.

Wixson, Douglas, Worker-Writer in America: Jack Conroy and the Tradition of Midwestern Literary Radicalism, 1898-1990 (Illinois, 1994).

"Women in Latin America," special issue of Latin American Perspectives, 22:2 (Spring '95).

Woodman, Harold D., New South--New Law: The Legal Foundations of Credit and Labor Relations in the Postbellum Agricultural South (LSU Press, 1995).

Woodruff, Nan Elizabeth, "Mississippi Delta Planters and Debates over Mechanization, Labor, and Civil Rights in the 1940s," Journal of Southern History, 60 (1994), 263-84.

Woollacott, Angela, On Her Their Lives Depend: Munitions Workers in the Great War (California, 1994).

Wreszin, Michael, A Rebel in Defense of Tradition: The Life and Politics of Dwight Macdonald (Basic, 1994).

Wyatt-Brown, Bertram, The Literary Percys: Family History, Gender, and the Southern Imagination (Georgia, 1994).

Yellin, Jean Fagan, and John C. Van Horne, eds., The Abolitionist Sisterhood: Women's Political Culture in Antebellum America (Cornell, 1994).

Zapponi, Niccolo, "Fascism in Italian Historiography, 1986-93: A Fading National Identity," Journal of Contemporary History, 29 (1994), 547-68.

Zeitlin, Jonathan, "Flexibility and Mass Production at War: Aircraft Manufacture in Britain, the United States, and Germany, 1939-1945," Technology and Culture, 36 (1995), 46-79.

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