"Recent Books and Articles of Interest"
compiled by Tom Dublin
(reprinted from recent issues of the Radical Historians Newsletter)

Number 58, May 1989

Ascher, Carol, Renate Bridenthal, Marion Kaplan and Atina Grossmann, "Fragments of a German-Jewish Heritage in Four 'Americans,'" American Jewish Archives (Nov. '88), 40:365-84.

"Atlantic Slave Trade: Scale, Structure, and Supply," special section of Journal of African History (1989), 30:1.

Barry, Kathleen, Susan B. Anthony: A Biography (NYU, 1988).

Beinin, Joel, and Zachary Lockman, Workers on the Nile: Nationalism, Communism, Islam, and the Egyptian Working Class, 1882-1954 (Princeton, 1988).

Berlin, Ira, Steven F. Miller and Leslie S. Rowland, "Afro-American Families in the Transition from Slavery to Freedom," Radical History Review, No. 42 (Sept. '88), 89-121.

Bodnar, John, "Power and Memory in Oral History: Workers and Managers and Studebaker," Journal of American History, 75 (1989), 1201-21.

Boris, Eileen, and Cynthia R. Daniels, eds., Homework: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Paid Labor in the Home (Illinois, 1989).

Brown, Elsa Barkley, "Womanist Consciousness: Maggie Lena Walker and the Independent Order of St. Luke," Signs, 14 (1989), 610-33.

Buckeley, Ken, and Ted Wheelwright, No Paradise for Workers: Capitalism and the Common People in Australia, 1788-1914 (Oxford, 1988).

Carlton, David C. and Peter Coclanis, "Capital Mobilization and Southern Industry, 1880-1905: The Case of the Carolina Piedmont," Journal of Economic History, 49 (1989), 73-94.

Clapp, Roger A.J., "Representing Reciprocity, Reproducing Domination: Ideology and the Labour Process in Latin American Contract Farming," Journal of Peasant Studies, 16 (1988), 5-39.

Clark, Anna, "The Sexual Crisis and Popular Religion in London, 1770-1820," International Labor and Working Class History, No. 34 (Fall '88), 56-69.

Coclanis, Peter, The Shadow of a Dream: Economic Life and Death in the South Carolina Low Country, 1670-1920 (Oxford, 1988).

Cohen, Lizabeth, "Encountering Mass Culture at the Grassroots: The Experience of Chicago Workers in the 1920s," American Quarterly, 41 (1989), 6-33.

Cowan, Neil M. and Ruth Schwartz Cowan, Our Parents' Lives: The Americanization of Eastern European Jews (Basic Books, 1988).

Cross, Gary, ed., Worktime and Industrialization: An International History (Temple, 1988).

Davis, Jennifer, "From 'Rookeries' to 'Communities': Race, Poverty and Policing in London, 1850-1985," History Workshop, No. 27 (Spring '89), 66-85.

Davis, Susan G., "'Set Your Mind to Patriotic': History as Televised Special Event," Radical History Review, No. 42 (Sept. '88), 122-43.

de Grazia, Victoria, "Mass Culture and Sovereignty: The American Challenge to European Cinema, 1920-1960," Journal of Modern History, 61 (1989), 53-87.

Drescher, Seymour, "The Slaving Capital of the World: Liverpool and National Opinion in the Age of Abolition," Slavery & Abolition, 9 (1988), 128-43.

Eklof, Ben, Soviet Briefing: Gorbachev and the Reform Period (Westview, 1989).

Epstein, James, "Understanding the Cap of Liberty: Symbolic Practice and Social Conflict in Early Nineteenth-Century England," Past & Present, No. 122 (Feb. '89), 75-118.

Evans, Sara M. and Barbara J. Nelson, Wage Justice: Comparable Worth and the Paradox of Technocratic Reform (Chicago, 1989).

Fink, Leon and Brian Greenberg, Upheaval in the Quiet Zone: A History of Hospital Workers' Union, Local 1199 (Illinois, 1989).

Fink, Leon, "John R. Commons, Herbert Gutman, and the Burden of Labor History," Labor History 29 (1988), 313-30.

Finkelstein, Monte, "The Johnson Act, Mussolini and Fascist Emigration Policy, 1921-1930, 1921-1930," Journal of American Ethnic History, 8 (Fall '88), 38-55.

Fones-Wolf, Ken, "Religion and Trade Union Policies in the United States, 1880-1920," International Labor and Working Class History, No. 34 (Fall '88), 39-55.

Ford, Lacy K., Origins of Southern Radicalism: The South Carolina Upcountry, 1800-1860 (Oxford, 1988).

Fosu, Augustin Kwasi, "Trends in Relative Earnings Gains by Black Women: Implications for the Future, Review of Black Political Economy, 17 (Summer '88). 31-46.

Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth, Within the Plantation Household: Black and White Women in the Old South (North Carolina, 1988).

Frieden, Jeffrey A., "The Economics of Intervention: American Overseas Investments and Relations with Underdeveloped Areas, 1890-1950," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 31 (1989), 55-80.

Gabaccia, Donna Rae, Militants and Migrants: Rural Sicilians Become American Workers (Rutgers, 1988).

Garrison, Dee, Mary Heaton Vorse: The Life of an American Insurgent (Temple, 1988).

German-Jewish Legacy in America, 1938-1948: A Symposium," American Jewish Archives (Nov. '88).

Goldberg, David J., A Tale of Three Cities: Labor Organization and Protest in Paterson, Passaic, and Lawrence, 1916-1921 (Rutgers, 1988).

Gregson, Nicky, "Tawney Revisited: Custom and the Emergence of Capitalist Class Relations in North-east Cumbria, 1600-1830," Economic History Review, 42 (1989), 1-17.

Halker, Clark, "A History of Local 208 and the Struggle for Racial Equality in the American Federation of Musicians," Black Music Research Journal (Fall 1988), 8:207-22.

Heggestad, Martin, "State of the Art: Defeating Harvard's Anti-union Campaign," Radical America, 21 (Sept.-Oct. '87), 42-53.

Heywood, Colin, Childhood in Nineteenth-Century France: Work, Health and Education among the Classes Populaires (Cambridge, 1988).

Hindus, Michael, Red Bread: Collectivization in a Russian Village (Indiana, 1988).

Howell, Martha C., Women, Production, and Patriarchy in Late Medieval Cities (Chicago, 1988).

Howlett, Charles F., Brockwood labor College: The Quest for Social Reform, 1919-1937 (Mississippi, 1988).

Iliffe, John, The African Poor: A History (Cambridge, 1988).

Innes, Stephen, ed., Work and Labor in Early America (North Carolina, 1988).

Irons, Peter, The Courage of Their Convictions: Sixteen Americans Who Fought Their Way to the Supreme Court (Free Press, 1988).

Jackson, James Jr., and Leslie Page Moch, "Migration and the Social History of Modern Europe," Historical Methods, 22 (Winter '89), 27-36.

Jimenez, Michael F., "'Citizens of the Kingdom': Toward a Social History of Radical Christianity in Latin America," International Labor and Working Class History, No. 34 (Fall '88), 3-21.

Jordan, W.C., "Women and Credit in the Middle Ages: Problems and Directions," Journal of European Economic History, 17 (1988), 33-62.

Juster, Susan, "'In a Different Voice': Male and Female Narratives of Religious Conversion in Post-Revolutionary America," American Quarterly, 41 (1989), 34-62.

Kimeldorf, Howard, Reds or Rackets? The Making of Radical and Conservative Unions on the Waterfront (California, 1988).

Kornblith, Gary J., "'Cementing the Mechanic Interest': Origins of the Providence Association of Mechanics and Manufacturers," Journal of the Early American Republic, 8 (1988), 355-88.

Kulikoff, Allan, "The Transition to Capitalism in Rural America," William & Mary Quarterly, 46 (1989), 120-44.

"Labor History and the History of Technology," special issue of Technology and Culture, (1988), 29:4.

Ladd-Taylor, Molly, "'Grannies' and 'Spinsters': Midwife Education under the Sheppard-Towner Act," Journal of Social History, 22 (1988), 255-76.

LaFeber, Walter, The American Age (1989).

"Language & History," special section in History Workshop, No. 27 (Spring '89), 1-65.

Lasser, Carol, "'Let Us be Sisters Forever': The Sororal Model of Nineteenth-Century Female Friendship," Signs, 14 (1988), 158-81.

Latin America's Debt and the World Economic System," special issue of Latin American Perspectives, (1989), 16:1.

Laurie, Bruce, Artisans into Workers: Labor in Nineteenth-Century America (Noonday Press, 1989).

Levine, Rhonda, Class Struggle and the New Deal: Industrial Labor, Industrial Capital and the State (Kansas, 1988).

Levine, Susan, "Class and Gender: Herbert Gutman and the Women of 'Shoe City,'" Labor History, 29 (1988), 344-55.

Lewis, Ronald L., "From Peasant to Proletarian: The Migration of Southern Blacks to the Central Appalachian Coalfields," Journal of Southern History, 55 (1989), 77-102.

Lichtenstein, Nelson, and Stephen Meyer III, eds., On the Line: Essays in the History of Auto Work (Illinois, 1988).

Liebowitz, Jonathan J., "Tenants, Sharecroppers, and the French Agricultural Depression of the Late Nineteenth Century," Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 19 (1989), 429-46.

Lipsitz, George, A Life in Struggle: Ivory Perry and the Culture of Oppression (Temple, 1988).

Lynch, Katherine A., Family, Class and Ideology in Early Industrial France: Social Policy and the Working Class Family, 1825-1848 (Wisconsin, 1988).

Maier, Charles S., The Unmasterable Past: History, Holocaust, and German National Identity (Harvard, 1988).

Mari, Gerhard and Georgina Hamilton, An Appetite for Power: Buthelezi's Inkatha and South Africa (Indiana, 1988).

Mayer, Arno J., Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? The "Final Solution" in History (Pantheon, 1988).

McCoy, Drew, The Last of the Fathers: James madison and the Reublican Legacy (Cambridge, 1989).

"Memorial to Herbert G. Gutman," special issue of Labor History (1988), 29:3.

Miller, Joseph C., Way to Death: Merchant Capitalism and the Angolan Slave Trade, 1730-1830 (Wisconsin, 1988).

Moeller, Robert G., "Reconstructing the Family in Reconstruction Germany: Women and Social Policy in the Federal Republic, 1949-1955," Feminist Studies, 15 (1989), 137-70.

Motz, Marilyn, "Visual Autobiography: Photograph Albums of Turn-of-the-Century Midwestern Women," American Quarterly, 41 (1989), 63-92.

"Moving Beyond Beard: A Symposium," special section of Radical History Review, No. 42 (Sept. '88), 7-48.

Nelson, Margaret K., "Negotiating Care: Relationships between Family Daycare Providers and Mothers," Feminist Studies, 15 (1989), 7-34.

Nord, Philip, "Manet and Radical Politics," Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 19 (1989), 447-80.

Offen, Karen, "Defining Feminism: A Comparative Historical Approach," Signs, 14 (1988), 119-57.

Paterson, Thomas G., ed., Kennedy's Quest for Victory: American Foreign Policy, 1961-1963 (Oxford, 1989).

Pederson, Susan, "The Failure of Feminism in the Making of the British Welfare State," Radical History Review, No. 43 (Jan. '89), 86-115.

Peiss, Kathy and Christina Simmons, with Robert Padgug, eds., Pasion and Power: Sexuality in History (Temple, 1988).

Pelz, William, The Spartakusbund and the German Working Class Movement, 1914-1919 (Mellen, 1988).

Pencak, William, "Samuel Adams and Shays's Rebellion," New England Quarterly, 52 (1989), 63-74.

Poovey, Mary, Uneven Developments: The Ideological Work of Gender in Mid-Victorian England (Chicago, 1988).

Procacci, Giovanni, "Popular Protest and Labour Conflict in Italy, 1915-1918," Social History, 14 (1989), 31-58.

"Radical America Remembers the Sixties," special issue of Radical America, 21 (Nov.-Dec. '87).

"Reflections on the Welfare State," a symposium in Politics & Society, (Dec. '88), 16:4.

"Remembering the Discovery of the Watergate Tapes," special section of Journal of American History, 75 (1989), 1222-62.

Rorabaugh, W.J., Berkeley at War: The 1960's (Oxford, 1989).

Russett, Cynthia Eagle, Sexual Science: The Victorian Construction of Womanhood (Harvard, 1989).

Sawyer, Ronald C., "'Strangely Handled in all her Lyms': Witchcraft and Healing in Jacobean England," Journal of Social History, 22 (1989), 461-86.

Scott, Joan Wallach, Gender and the Politics of History (Columbia, 1988).

Stovall, Tyler, "Friends, Neighbors and Communists: Community Formation in Suburban Paris during the Early Twentieth Century," Journal of Social History 22 (1988), 237-54.

Tucker, Eric, "Making the Workplace 'Safe' in Capitalism: The Enforcement of Factory Legislation in Nineteenth-Century Ontario," Labour/Le Travail (Spring '88), 21:45-86.

Tucker, Susan, Telling Memories among Southern Women: Domestic Workers and their Employers in the Segregated South (LSU Press, 1988).

Walkowitz, Judith, Myra Jehlen, and Bell Chevigny, "Patrolling the Borders: Feminist Historiography and the New Historicism," Radical History Review, No. 43 (Jan. '89), 23-44.

Whitfield, Stephen J., A Death in the Delta: The Story of Emmett Till (Free Press, 1988).

Wilson, Joseph E, Tearing Down the Color Bar: A Documentary History and Analysis of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (Columbia, 1989).

"Working Together in the Middle Ages: Perspectives on Women's Communities," special issue of Signs (1989), 14:2.

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